Midnight at the Astromony Tower

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disclaimer: gets a little steamy in this chapter, nothing much more than kissing though!


I check the time. 11:30 PM. I cautiously step out of bed, careful not to touch a creaky floorboard. I honestly don't know why I took such care in making no noise, as I'm sure the girls would only be excited for me, except perhaps Hermione. It just felt nice that the meeting was a secret for now. I put on a pair of floaty, white linen trousers. I was just about to slip a cropped black tank top over my sports bra, when I reevaluate my choice, riffling through my underwear drawer to pull out a sheer lacy bra that I hadn't had the chance to wear yet. I then slipped the tank on over the top. I threw my hair into a messy bun and fixed it in place with a silver and jade hair pin, then put on my glasses.

After creeping silently through the common room and out of the portrait hole, I made my way as silently as I could through the castle. I was careful not to take any moving staircases for fear that the sound of them would awaken sleeping students or teachers.

As I reached the bottom of the staircase up to the Astronomy tower, I start to feel butterflies flutter in my stomach.

I check the time - it's 11:56. I hope he is there because I don't really feel like sitting alone in the middle of the night.

Ascending the stairs at a quick, excited pace, I can hear soft music and see a little glow of light at the top of the staircase.

Phew. He's here already, I think to myself.

I finally reach the top of the staircase and clasp my hands over my mouth so as not to let out a scream of happiness. Before me is a beautiful, cosy pillow fort surrounded by enchanted floating fairy lights. I see Cedric look up from the book he was reading and our eyes meet. The golden light pools on his face and illuminates his warm eyes. He's wearing his quidditch jumper over a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Soft music plays from an unknown source.

"[y/n], you made it!" Cedric says, beaming and shuffling for me to snuggle next to him.

"Ced... this is wonderful," I look up at him then rest my head on his chest.

"Thank you, I'm so glad you like it."

"So what did you have in mind for us to do?" I ask, brushing his hair back with my hand softly. It falls back onto his face.

"I thought you might like to read, I'm reading a muggle book. I believe it's a classic: Captain Corelli's Mandolin." He shows me the book cover.

"Only if you read to me," I say, smiling up at him and wrapping my arms around him.

He clears his throat dramatically and laughs. He starts reading:

"'When you fall in love, it is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake, and then it subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots are to become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the desire to mate every second of the day. It is not lying awake at night imagining that he is kissing every part of your body. No ... don't blush. I am telling you some truths. For that is just being in love; which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over, when being in love has burned away. Doesn't sound very exciting, does it? But it is!'"

His deep, soft voice resonates around the room. We look into each other's eyes and I can tell he wants me to know he means every word he says. I look down and smile.

"You chose that on purpose, didn't you?" I say, blushing.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't..." Cedric smiles.

Before I know it he pulls himself on top of me, but hesitates. I can smell the sweet pinewood and cinnamon again. I can't take it any longer and just as I lean up to kiss him, he connects his lips with mine. The kiss is hot and warm, he bites my bottom lip gently as we separate. He runs his hands underneath me, up my back and through my hair, pulling out the hair pin so it falls loosely. In one swift motion, he turns onto his back and lifts me on top of him, then sits up, using one hand for stability and the other hand to touch my back and waist. Our lips press together again, with more longing and passion this time. The hot breath streams up my glasses. I laugh and wipe them. Cedric starts to kiss my neck and works his way down to my collar bone. He traces his fingers across my shoulders to the straps of my tank top, looking up at me for permission. I nod and he slides each strap down my shoulder, sending shivers down my spine, then uses both hands to pull it off over my head. I reach down to the hem of his jumper and pull it off. He lays down and we both unbutton his shirt. I run my hands along his chest and lean down to kiss him, holding the sides of his face whilst he holds my waist. I'm straddled across him and move my hips in a slight grinding motion as he arches his back and sighs as our lips separate again, gazing at me with a look I have never seen before.


I try to take in every inch of her body. My stomach flutters as I look into her eyes. Everything about her makes me melt. I love her. I hope she knows it. I try to tell her with my eyes. How can she look so perfect? Her hair is swept over one shoulder and her neck is still a little shiny from when I kissed it. Her face flushed and her lips rosy. I want to capture her like this forever. I don't think I could ever dream of a more perfect human, her kind, precious soul is her best feature and her beauty is just the cherry on top. I can tell she's getting embarrassed at the way I'm looking at her now, and it only makes my heart melt for her more. She'll probably make some corny joke in a minute because she never lasts long in passionate moments like these without wanting to lighten the mood. I take my chance whilst we are still in the moment and lean up to her, kissing just below her ear and running my hands up the sides of her body to her breast. She leans her head back for a second and then places her hands on my shoulders. She looks down into my eyes and her hair falls onto her face. Adjusting her position on top of me, we are pressed right up against each other. I have to fight the urge and I think she can almost tell because we both smile. I trace the two uncovered curves of her breast with my thumbs, so my palms are still cupped around her bra. She removes her hands from my shoulders interlocks them with my hands. She laughs and I grin at her, I can tell I'm blushing.


He's so beautiful and gentle. I slowly lift myself off of him to lay beside him and he lays down too, clasping his hands on his chest.

We lay in comfortable quiet for a while.

"So, do you know what type of underwear clouds wear?" I lay on my side to face him and he does the same.

"No, I don't [y/n], please, enlighten me," he chuckles.


I burst out laughing at the stupidity of my joke and Cedric covers his face with his hands and laughs heartily too. We can't stop and I shush him which only makes us laugh harder. His eyes are so twinkly when he laughs.

We finally fade to a stop and I stare right into his eyes once more,

"Ced... I know you didn't say it exactly but... I love you too."

A wave of happiness cascades over me to say those words. Cedric's eyes get a little shiny and I could almost say he was holding back a tear. He kisses my forehead gently,

"I love you. I love you," he whispers.

No further words are said as we both turn to gaze at the view of the inky night sky, speckled with tiny silver stars. I slowly drift into the dark arms of sleep.

So...... I hope you have all enjoyed this chapter! I'm sorry for all the delay but I really hope it was worth the wait. I would appreciate it so much if you could vote, share and comment because i'd love to hear suggestions or that you are enjoying the story, it means a lot to me. Don't forget to add to your library if you are liking it so far, as there will be loads more good stuff to come.

Thank you everyone, I really hope you are all well.

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