A Close Shave

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"Shit." I say aloud.

Moments before, I had fluttered open my heavy eyes to bright shafts of sunlight pouring in from every angle and spilling across the floor of the tower. The Astronomy Tower. OH MY GOD. We'd slept all night and now we were definitely going to get caught.

I jerk my head up and out of Cedric's lap, not being able to thoroughly enjoy the fact that I had fallen asleep in. Cedric's. lap!  I get up and shake his shoulders to wake him. He groans.

"Come on Cedric, oh my god wake uppppp!" I plead to no avail.

I hope to myself that the muffled sounds of chatter I can hear below us are people heading for breakfast, and not for their first lesson, otherwise we were screwed.

Seeing no alternative, I grab my wand and aim directly at Cedric's face:


A jet of water spurts out, splashing him and causing him to open his eyes wide in surprise. At least he was awake now.

"Merlin! What was that for?" Cedric exclaims as he wipes his face with his jumper.

"Because you wouldn't bloody wake up, that's what!" I laugh,
"We have to go right now, we overslept!"

Cedric leapt up and looked around for his wand,

"Oh god, what time is it?" he asks,

"I don't know. Late enough for everyone in the castle to be awake, let's go, quickly."

Cedric flicks his wand and the pillows turn into marbles, which he pocketed.

We do one final check that we had left no trace of our being there the night before and were just about to head down the stairs, when I notice Cedric had a funny smile on his face.

"What is it?" I ask, exasperated.

"Well.. I don't know if you realised it or not.." he smirks at me,

"What? We have to go!" I ask again impatiently,

"It's just that.. you've got no top on," he laughs.

My cheeks went bright red and I hold my face in my hands in embarrassment. I had been so flustered about not getting caught that I hadn't even noticed.

"Where on earth is my top then? for Merlin's sake!" Cedric comes and hugs me and we both laugh.

"Look, just wear my quidditch jumper," Cedric says, pulling it off over his head and handing it to me. I happily slipped it on over my bra and we started going down the winding staircase.

"You know, you would have given Filch quite a shock!" Cedric exclaims, grinning widely at me.

"If you bring that up again next time you'll get more than water on your face!" I scowl at him.

"Is that a promise?" Cedric looks me dead in the eyes then gave me a cheeky smirk. I let out a snort of a laugh and I could tell my face had gone red again.

"Merlin! Cedric..what would Dumbledor say?"

"Hmm I'd rather not think that", he replies.

"Yeah." I laughed.

We got to the bottom of the stairs and whilst we were still out of sight from the main corridor, I take the chance to kiss Cedric on the cheek.

"Thanks, it was really fun" I tell him, "and thanks for the jumper."

"I had fun too, and I'm glad I gave you the jumper because you look like a sexier Viktor Krum," he replies, his eyes sparkling as me smile.

"Sexier than Viktor Krum?! Wow that's a real compliment," I exclaim.

"He's right." A sneering voice proclaims from the shadows.

Both Cedric and I looked around in surprise before we spotted him. Malfoy. Lurking, barely visible in the darkness, against the wall. He eyed us up with a malicious smirk on his face.

"Well, well, I expect the teachers would like to know what you two were doing up in the Astronomy tower so.. early in the morning," he taunts.

"I always thought you looked more like a ferret, Malfoy, but I guess you can go and be a rat if you like," I say back, in the iciest, calmest tone I can muster.

Malfoy always managed to spark a rage in me, but I wasn't going to let him see that. The smile had thoroughly dropped from our faces, but it had also dropped from Malfoy's and that gave me all the satisfaction I needed.

Cedric and I exchange a glance and I give him a weak smile as we part ways and began towards our dormitories without another word, leaving Malfoy alone behind us.

I cursed our luck as I stepped onto the moving staircase. Out of all the people in the world, the one person we had to get caught by was that foul Draco Malfoy.


Cedric's one lucky guy.

Ahhhhh that's the end of this chapter! Hope you enjoyed it - tensions are starting to build!
Will Malfoy snitch? How does he feel about [y/n]?
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