Trouble Brewing

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Disclaimer! I know my update time has been abysmal, I was doing my GCSEs and totally forgot about it, please have mercy on me lol. Without further ado, I hope you love the new chapter!


Cedric and I had missed breakfast but I had just enough time to get to the dormitory and change into my robes before my first lesson of the day. After carefully folding Cedric's jumper and putting it away, I gathered up my books and tried to sort out my hair. It was still, surprisingly, in the tangled bun I had put it in the night before. I let it down and quickly brushed it. In all honesty, it needed a wash but this would have to do - if only I knew a spell that could make you appear as if you'd had a shower. Ancient wizards needed to sort their priorities out; there's a spell to turn stairs into slides (as much fun as that is) but not one to help me look like I didn't just roll out of a 100-year sleep.

Accepting that I looked dishevelled and tired, I stuffed my books into my satchel and slung it over my head. The dormitory was empty - I hadn't had to face any interrogations so far but I knew Hermione wasn't just going to let my late rendezvous with Ced slide, at least not without hearing the details.

I made my way to potions class - nothing like an hour with Professor Snape in the morning to get you feeling bright and fresh for the rest of the day.

I push open the door of the classroom ever so gently and try my best to soundlessly shuffle to my seat unnoticed as the lesson has already begun, and fortunately Professor Snape is scribbling some ingredients on the blackboard, with his back to me. As I hurry through the row of dark wooden workbenches to get to my seat, my foot suddenly hits something hard on the floor and my hand flies out to stop me from tripping, incidentally knocking the cauldron on the bench next to me onto the floor with a loud, ringing 'clang!'.

My face now flushed bright red with embarrassment, I reach down for the cauldron and look up from the floor to identify it's owner.


He slowly withdraws his foot from my path and holds out his hand expectantly for his cauldron, a smug grin spreading across his face. My flushed face deepens to a furious scarlet and I am in half a mind to swing the cauldron straight into his temple when I hear:

"y/l/n!", Professor Snape commands.

"What makes you think that not only can you arrive late to my class, but cause a distracting commotion in doing so? Do you so desperately lack the coordination to place one foot in front of another? Perhaps, you are not to be trusted with potions at all - 20 points from [your house]."

"It won't happen again, Sir." I manage to say through gritted teeth.

I turn and shove the cauldron angrily back at Malfoy and try to walk away to my seat but a force prevents me. Malfoy fingers are gripping the back of my hand tightly, almost painfully. I try to snatch my hand away from his grip but he wraps his hand tightly around my wrist and sharply pulls me closer with a malicious smile.

"I'm sure Professor Snape would be very interested to know exactly why you were late today," he whispered - his mocking tone still clearly audible.

"If you say ANYTHING," I annunciate the word in the most threatening tone I can, whilst keeping my voice quiet, "I swear - the things I will do to you..."

I snatch my hand away and pivot abruptly on my heels so that my hair whips round and - hopefully - smacks him in his smug, weasel face.

I take my seat next to Hermione and give her a an exhausted, pained look. She reaches around me and to give me a half hug and says:

"Hey, forget Snape. You have to tell me everything that happened last night, and I want to hear it with full enthusiasm, not this feeling sorry for yourself nonsense. You picked your priorities," she pauses to look at me with a glittering grin and I let out a soft laugh, shaking my head, "and you were late after all."

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