An Introduction

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Hi everyone! This is my first time writing for wattpad. I worked really hard on this story, and i hope you guys enjoy it! Let me give you a little introduction to the contents of the story.
This book includes:
- steamy stuff (nothing uncomfortably explicit and always consensual of course)
- no "daddy" role play, I personally find it a bit overused and I don't think it's really in keeping the characters personalities

- multiple POV
- body positivity
- Bi content hehe <3
- romance of course!
- minimal swearing

-sexual content

I know a lot of people will be reading for just the romance and steamy stuff (and there's nothing wrong with that :) !) and there will be plenty of stuff in there for you, don't you worry. However, I didn't want to create a super shallow plot and end up with a rubbish story, so hopefully the book is actually interesting as well! I tried :).
I also wanted to make sure the characters are as realistic as possible, so i've tried to add all the traits of each person into my writing of them and their actions are consistent with their characters in the books and films. I've read a lot of these fan fictions, and I often find that I can't really relate their writing of the characters to the ones we know and love.

Ok, without further ado, get reading and I'll set the scene...

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