fights and protected

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Elizabeth pov

I was walking Brooklyn who was in her orange fur form,i gave her the name circus for when she was in her circus baby form,she looked so cute,as i walked i saw someone go into a ally way,i dropped brooks leash and went in to the ally,i saw to men staring at me,then someone put something on my mouth,i tried to scream but it was muffled by the mask then i fainted

I waited for Elizabeth to come back from the alleyway but she never did,i whined amd sniff,her sent was still there,i laid my head down and whined,she was never gone for thus long whwn we went for a walk,i felt my leash move and looked,it was Michael,behind hum was chris and charlie,jock walked up to me and nudged me,i whined and laid my head back down"why did she leave her here"Charlie asked"i dont know,but she would never leave brook alone"chris said"sis"Michael yelled,screams were heard from the alleyway,i got up and ran i to the alleyway and saw three man hurting Elizabeth,i growled and attacked them"get off me you dumb mutt"one of them said throwing me into the wall,it broke due to the impact"get off me"i hear Elizabeth said,the man waked over to me and shot me

Elizabeth pov

I kicked the man off me and backed into the wall,charlie then ran ovwr to me as thr police arrested the man"wheres brook"i asked,the a whine was heard,i got up and ran to the broken wall to see brook bleeding,i started crying and hugged her"ni,please stay with me"i said crying,she nuzzled me and laid her head back down"miss,lets us take her to the vet"a police man said"no,go away"i screamed"miss"thr police man started,but i wanted to be with her"no"i yelled"Elizabeth there trying to help"my dad said picking me up"no i want to be with her"i said trying ti go to her,a police man picked her up and left,i cried and hugged my dad,he picked me up and put me in a car"you will she her soon ok"charlie said hugging me"ok"i siad nuzzling into her

Three weeks later

Its been three weeks since ive seen brook,i was layinh in bed and charlie walked in and sat next to me,i laid on her and she moved my hair"you know,you act alot like mari"Charlie said as i turned over"what do you mean"i asked,she pointed at mari who was in a dig bed"why is she not in the dog house"cause she misses her girlfriend"cassidy said walking in"hey cass"i said"hey,i brought you some food"she said putting some food on the desk in my roim"thanks Cassidy"i said"you know,i dont think I've seen brook that aggressive before"Cassidy said"yeah,she usually growled or barked,not attack"charlie said"she was defending you"my mom said coming into my room"yeah,i know"i said,i sighed,i miss brook

Three more weeks later

I was laying in my bed,i woke up to jake,whining at me"yes jake"i sakd siting up,he whined"are chris nightmares scaring you"i asked,jake nodded,i got up and we walked to chris room"hey bro,your nightmares are scaring jake"i said"oh jake im sorry"chris said hugging jake,i smiled and went back to my room and laid back down with charlie,shes deen sleeping with me for the last three weeks,i smiled at her and nuzzled into her,her arms went around me and held me,i smiled and went back to sleep,brook is gonna be here tomorrow to

The next day

I was waiting for the door to ring,parker(tattletail)had came over and was aith chris,enard was trying to get into vents but ennard was sitting on the ground with mike and jock,enard gave up amd went over to jock and nuzzled him,i heard the doorbell ring and charlie sat up quickly,i patted her head"thats the fith time you woke up by a door bell"Cassidy said puting foid down,peter and enard went to the foid bowls and eat,i heard barking and brook ran in and to me*i picked her up and hugged her"i missed you so much brook"i said,she barked and licked me"heheh stop that tickles"i said laughing,she nuzzled into me and then went to mari amd the to nuzzled,mari whined at brook amd licked her

Brooklyn pov

I watched as mari paw me as she whined"dont do that again"she said"well i had to protect Elizabeth"i said to her"i know but you were gone fot 6 weeks"she whined"gunshot wounds dont heal that fast"i told her"hey brook"i hear peter said,hey peter"i siad,he smiled at me and went to my brother as he walked out"ship"i said the to glared at me"brook x mari"they both yelled,me and mari blushed,enard walked to me"your leg is still injured"he said"not really,i just cant lay on it"i said,he nodded and laid with jock,i ran to Elizabeth and laid next to her,she smiled and petted me,then picked me up and put my in my doghouse with mari,Elizabeth and charlie then laid together and slept"i wonder if her dad is okay with that"mari asked"probably"i siad laying down carefully,mari laid next to me amd licked me and we slept

Elizabeth amd Brooklyn pov(both)

Im glad she safe

Enjoy thr new chapter

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