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It was a typical Monday morning at college, and everything was as normal. Students groaning about being up early, others trying to get sent home, and couples practically having sex in the hallways after not speaking all weekend.

What wasn't normal was the new girl in Simon's year who'd been trying to get in Harry's pants since the moment she walked through the doors.

Harry couldn't see that this was the girls intentions, as he didn't seem to notice how the girl was hanging on to every word he was saying, laughing at all of his jokes, and even had a hand on his shoulder while grinning at him.

Simon hated it. He hadn't been able to say two words to Harry all day without this stupid blonde haired bitch cutting him off. By the time lunch came around, Simon had enough.

"Hey sweetheart," Harry said to Simon with a smile as he sat down. Simon kissed his cheek as he began munching on his sandwich, but as Harry and this girl were chatting away to themselves Simon couldn't stop thinking about how none of their fake relationship seemed fake anymore.

Because Simon's feelings were real.

"Si?" Harry said, waving a hand in front of Simon's face and pulling him back to reality.

"Sorry, what were you saying?"

"I was saying that I haven't properly introduced you to Leah yet. Simon, this is my new friend Leah..." Harry trailed off, waiting for Simon to say hello to her.

He just looked he up and down.

"....Okay...Leah, this is my boyfriend Simon."

Leah's face dropped.

Yeah, take that bitch.

"You're gay?" Leah asked, her face crumpling.

"Yeah?" Harry replied as he finished the remainder of his food, oblivious to the fact that Leah looked like she was about to explode.

Leah just nodded and continued to quietly eat her food, while Simon showered Harry in love and attention. Harry wasn't complaining.

During their walk home, they'd not said a word to each other. Harry could sense the anger rolling off of Simon, but was too afraid to ask why. After practically shoving the front door off to get to Harry's apartment, the boy had just dumped his bag on the floor when he felt a strong grip on his wrists.

"Who is she?"

"Leah?" Harry asked, getting a single nod from Simon. "She's my friend, just started college today, second year."

"So you know all of this but remained completely unaware of her practically forcing herself on you?" Simon said, his anger rising by the second but his voice stayed calm, the grip on Harry's wrists tightening. Harry just blinked for a few seconds, trying to figure out what Simon meant, when it clicked in his head.

The over-friendliness. The unnecessary contact. The laughing. The constant bra readjusting. It all made sense.

"Simon I....I'm so sorry. I had no idea." Harry said, confused as to why Simon was getting so mad when they weren't even in public anymore.

Not like he had feelings for him, right?

"It's okay, wasn't your fault love." Simon said, letting go of Harry before turning to the kitchen to get something to drink.

Harry grabbed his arm.

"Si, wait."


"I can't keep doing this with you. I don't think my feelings are fake for you anymore and I know you don't feel the same so I think we should just stop the act and I'll pay for the door because I lost the bet and-"

Simon cupped Harry's cheeks and kissed him hard.

Harry responded almost immediately, pressing himself against Simon and resting his hands on Simon's chest. Simon moved one of his hands to Harry's lower back and used his other hand to hold the back of Harry's neck, squeezing it gently which sent waves of pleasure and a feeling of safety through Harry.

He felt warm.

They both pulled away, breathless.

"I like you too." Simon grinned. Harry felt the warmth rush to his cheeks and then proceeded to complain about paying for the door, to which Simon just shouted something about getting a real job while he ran down the hallway to shower. Harry rolled his eyes, wondering if his life could get any better.

That's when he saw the picture.

Out of the corner of his eye.

And everything was ruined.

The one he binned weeks ago because Simon had noticed it, but he couldn't seemed to let go of it. The other boy in the picture was Harry's first boyfriend, his first kiss, his first everything. But it meant nothing to the other boy, Nikolas, because it was all a lie.

"Harry, what's wrong love?" Simon asked as he emerged from the hallway wrapped in a towel, sensing the younger boys sadness. He walked over to Harry and picked him up, letting the boy wrap his legs around him as Simon sat on the sofa, waiting for Harry to get comfortable on his lap. They just sat for a few moments, in silence, before Harry spoke up.

"You remember that photo I threw in the bin a few weeks ago after you pointed it out?" Harry asked. Simon nodded, prompting him to continue.

"He was my first boyfriend. My first everything. But I wasn't his first, definitely won't be his last, especially on his list." Harry said, sniffling from the silent crying he'd been doing. Simon soothed him, rubbing patterns into the small of Harry's back with his thumb, and waited for Harry to continue.

"It was the final game of the season..."

It was Nikolas' final game of the football season, and they'd just scored the winning goal as the timer ran out. Harry was on his feet, screaming words of adoration while all of Nikolas' friends cheered with him, happy to see their school ravel in another victory. After the initial celebration, Nikolas ran across the field to Harry and kissed him on the cheek.

"Good game, babe." Harry smiled, happy to see his boyfriend in such good spirits. Nikolas just nodded, but seemed to be half distracted by something. When Harry followed Nikolas' eyes, all his friends were staring at them both and he knew something wasn't right.

"Niko? What's wrong?" Harry said quietly, panic bubbling in his chest.

"I never loved you, Harry." The brown haired boy said bluntly, making his friends laugh.

"Wh....what?" Harry's voice broke, barely able to believe what he was hearing. He just stood there and listened in pure shock as Nikolas unravelled everything, from the game where Niko had been dared to pursue Harry and date him for 6 months, to the most recent time Harry had said I love you, while all Nikolas' friends just stood and laughed. Not being able to listen anymore, he just turned and ran in the opposite direction, tears streaming down his face as he made a promise to himself to leave never to look back.

"Oh, Harry." Simon whispered, not knowing what to do other than to just hold the smaller boy. He rocked him in his arms while Harry cried until he couldn't anymore, then fell into what was sure to be an eventful sleep on Simons shoulder.

And all Simon wanted to do was take the pain away.


3 UPDATES IN 3 DAYS?!?!?!? Even I'm starting to think something's wrong.

-Phoenix <3

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