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Harry was gone when Simon woke up

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Harry was gone when Simon woke up.

The Shadow Boy would be lying if he said he wasn't disappointed, he had grown fond of Harry in the few hours he had known him. He knew he wasn't supposed to get attached to people - relationships were not part of the big picture for Simon - but something about being with Harry felt right. He knew from the moment he laid eyes on Harry's bare back while he was 'asleep' that it was going to be something more than a hit and run. Something was going to happen, he just didn't know what yet.

Simon figured he should get down from the rooftop when people walking down the alley were giving him a strange look. His alter ego wouldn't have accepted this, would've gone down straight down and tore their throats out while thinking about McDonalds. But by daytime, he was an ordinary collage student studying art and sleeping on rooftops. With a sigh, he climbed down from the roof, ran his fingers through his hair, and started walking to collage.

On the way to collage he dropped into the apple store to pick up an iPhone 6s using the money he had stolen from the woman last night. He wondered to himself how long it would take until her body was discovered, but then again it didn't matter as he was careful in making sure that neither him or his pretty boy got caught.

Simon only realised when he got through the large automatic doors of the collage building that Harry had took off with his jacket, which wasn't really a surprise considering how cold he was last night. He knew he'd bump into Harry at some point, they always passed each other in the halls and gave the occasional smile or a head nod, but nothing more. Simon only became intrigued by Harry when he gave a long speech on "The Art of Loving" during one of their classes - which is what inspired him to follow him home last night. The boy looked nice, he had thought to himself while he was walking past some photos in Harry's house during the early hours of the morning, but even better once added to his collection.

Simon spotted his favourite blonde leaned against his locker, head buried deep in another one of his romance novels.

"That my jacket, sweetheart?" Simon said, making Harry jump.

"Jesus christ, you scared the shit out of me." Harry grumbled as he tucked his book away in his locker. He shrugged the jacket off and held it out to Simon, but Simon only shook his head and grinned. He had an idea.

"You can keep the jacket under the conditions that I get to crash at yours tonight." He said with a raise of his eyebrow and a smirk.

"You can stay for free you dickhead, c'mon," Harry smiled, "we can miss just one day."

"Judging by your attendance my love, I don't think we can."

Harry gave him a look.

"Alright you've convinced me."

They walked in a comfortable silence beside each other as they made their way back to Harry's apartment. To Simons surprise, Harry seemed to know the alley's like the back of his hand, when just last night he was bumping into walls he didn't know existed every 10 seconds.

Harry unlocked the door but struggled to get it open, and by the sound of his huffing and puffing the door had been an issue for a long time. Simon said something about getting the door changed, to which Harry reminded him of his dire money situation. There was another silence as they made their way up the stairs that lead to Harry's apartment which sat above an antique shop which never opened anymore. The owner was one of Harry's only friends, but was run out of London when he caused trouble with a gang. Harry misses him sometimes.

The Shadow Boy wasted no time in getting comfortable on the sofa after kicking his shoes off,, which Harry followed suite. They just lay there for a while, content with being quite, until something crossed Harry's mind.


"Hmm?" Was the grumbly response he got.

"Weren't we supposed to be strangers by day?"

Simon turned so that he was laid on his stomach and now facing Harry. He looked at him for a second, considered him, before replying.

"I have an idea."

"Well we've fucked it now haven't we." Harry sassed, earning him a slap around the back of the head.

"I was thinking, that maybe we put on a show. An act of love." Simon said with a wink, remembering the name of Harry's favourite book.

Harry returned the slap around the back of the head.

"I'm listening."

"What if we acted like we were boyfriends, and- oh don't give me that look, you're clearly gay. Anyway, if you think about it, if we act like we're in love, it throws people off our trail. Why would two lovestruck 18 year olds go around killing and stealing? Plus, if people started to grow suspicious, we fake a 'break up' but still go around at night as a duo."

"How long have you been thinking about this?"

"Since I walked through what's left of your front door." Simon snickered.

"Fuck off."

"Oi, I'd have you killed for saying less."

"Hahaha, I'm shitting myself." Harry said before pretending to shake. Simon rolled his eyes at the childish act.

"So, yes or no?"


"The act, idiot."

"Oh yeah, sure." Harry said without much thought.

"You haven't even thought about it properly. You do know this means we' re gonna have to kiss and shit."

"Yeah and? Its not like I have any friends or family. Plus, I reckon it wouldn't stay an act for long, you know no one could resist this."

"Pshhh, lets make a bet."

"You've got an obsession."

"First one to fall for the other during our act has to pay for your door getting fixed."


And so they laid there, on Harry's second hand sofa, talking about their plans for tonight and how they were going to sell off their fake relationship act. What neither of the boys knew, is that Harry was a lot more spot on than they thought.

It wouldn't be an act for long.



Just a filler chapter while I finish writing the outline for this book. Hope you enjoy and let me know what you think :)

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