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It was early the next morning, 4am if we're being exact, when Harry heard shuffling outside his room.

At first he thought it was one of the lads going to the toilet or something, but realised quickly this wasn't the case when he counted everyone slumped around the room and of course, all 7, including Harry, was there.

He slowly stood up.

His instant thought was to grab a weapon, but he knew that if anything bad happened to him Simon would blow someone's fucking head off. So, keeping his breathing calm and steady, he tiptoed towards the hallway where the shuffling was coming from.

He stopped just outside the door to his kitchen, where he could hear murmering and things moving about. His blood boiled with anger, and with all his previous fear gone he burst open the door to find two very buff looking men shoving Harry's most expensive belongings into a black duffle back.

Both men turned to look at him.

Crap. Harry didn't think that one through.

But apparently Harry has reflexes, because as one of the men swung for him with a punch hard enough to knock him out, Harry ducked and the man went straight into the wall. Harry used the mans split second of confusion to kick him in the back of the legs, which made the mans legs bend and his head went with a smack on the wall, knocking him out. Just as Harry was about to have a moments celebration, he felt the other man press against his back and felt a cold, sharp metal against his throat.

"Do as I say or I'll kill all your friends and make you watch." The man whispered in an icy tone. Harry slowly nodded as the man put a hand on the middle of Harry's back and guided him out of the kitchen, but as Harry started thinking about his final words if the worst came to worst, he came face to face with a very confused, tired and angry Simon.

Ha, Harry thought, not so smart now are you mister creep.

The man started spitting verbal abuse to Simon, saying that if he didn't mind his business he would be in the same situation as Harry, but Simon got bored of the mans talk very quickly. In one swift motion, Simon had taken the knife off the man and used it to stab him straight in the stomach. The man yelped and fell to the floor, and just as Harry was thinking about how he was going to get the men out of the house when this guy eventually passed out, Simon walked to the man and proceeded to punch the life out of him. Literally. Harry watched the mans teeth fly out, watch the colour leave his face and the life begin to leave his eyes. The man was probably a poke away from death, when Simon wrapped a hand around the mans throat and spoke with such venom in his voice that even Harry took a step back.

"If I ever, and I mean ever, catch you here threatening my boyfriend again, I will murder you in such a brutal way that your body will be unrecognisable."

And before Harry had a say in the situation, about how Simon just called Harry his boyfriend, or give the man a snide remark, Simon stood up and dragged both men outside his home by their ears. The Guernsey boy just stood there and blinked, trying to process what just happened, before Simon rushed back up to him and spoke so fast Harry couldn't hear a word he was saying.

"Are you okay? Why didn't you shout me? You aren't hurt, are you? I swear to God I'll-"

"Simon, chill, I'm alright."

The Shadow Boy let out a huge sigh of relief before pulling Harry into a tight hug, threading his fingers through the smaller boys hair. Harry rested his head on Simon's shoulder and closed his eyes, wishing he could stay like this forever. But he knew he couldn't, because he wasn't Simon's and Simon wasn't his.

"C'mon, my love," Simon whispered, "bed."

Harry nodded and rubbed his eyes, getting ready to walk when he felt two hands on the back of his thighs and, out of reflex, jumped and wrapped his legs around Simon's waist. Harry doesn't remember much of what happened after, just remembers being laid on his bed and the sound of Simon and JJ whispering before he passed out.

A few hours later, Harry woke up eager to tell everyone about the little action movie he got to live earlier that morning. He practically flung himself out of bed and rushed to the living room where all the boys were, either engrossed in their phones or sipping a coffee. All heads turned to look at Harry as he walked in, and that's when Harry realised someone was missing.


"Bro? You good?" Tobi asked, voice laced with concern.

"Uh yeah, sorry," Harry said, shaking his head, before bouncing onto the sofa and launching into what the hell happened at 4am.

After his little show and tell, the other lads sat there in complete shock at what they had just heard. JJ was the first to speak up, saying that he had heard all the commotion but was too much of a pussy to see what was happening.

Okay, maybe that's not exactly what he said but you get the point.

All the boys were cracking up jokes about it, all saying what they would've done if they were in that situation but also in disbelief that almost all of them had slept through the whole thing. Harry was half-heartedly laughing at these jokes, not that he didn't find the boys funny, but the only thing that was playing on his mind was where the hell was Simon.

And that was when Harry realised.

His eyes widened.

He had, whole-heartedly, fallen for Simon Minter.


Hey!! Sorry I've been MIA so long, I just had no inspo to write this book but after taking some time to reread it - and a lot of hassle from @-LUDILIN ive finally got inspo again and will continue to update when I can.

Thankyou for your patience!

Phoenix <3

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