Jennie took all the information in. In hindsight it was something she should have known, but her head had been so in her screen and papers lately it was hard to think of anything else. "Okay, well...has anyone, you know, talked to her about it?"

No one responded.

"Oh c'mon guys, seriously?" She was met with shrugs and statements that she 'looked scary'. Jennie sighed and stood up with the rest of them as they finished up their lunch. Jennie couldn't help but take a look over at Lalisa again. The woman was eating a salad with one hand and reading from a tablet in the other. She seemed so serious. But calm.

Later, Jennie sat at her desk wired in, music blaring into her ears as her fingers typed. She paused for a second, as the distraction of an image passed over her mind. A face. Lalisa's face. She sighed and stood. I suppose my brain isn't going to let this go, she thought. Jennie looked up the office of Lalisa Manoban and found it in building D. Recica had a large campus of offices. Like most tech companies it was a beautiful place. Kitchens and cafeterias, gyms and showers, ping-pong and pool tables, gardens and fountains. It was all designed to keep people feeling okay that they'd stay as much as possible and work long hours.

It was a short five minute walk over to building D. Jennie had never been inside even though she'd worked here since she'd graduated college. She actually hadn't been inside most buildings. She went up the elevator to the third floor, found the office, and gave it a knock. When no one answered she tried the knob. It was open.

Slowly Jennie peered in and saw Lisa inside, typing at her laptop. The office was very nice, especially compared to Jennie's shared office. There was a couch and beautiful bookcases filled to the brim on the wall opposite it. They led to a very large desk and behind that large windows that seemed to have a beautiful view behind them, however the blinds were drawn and shut. "Ms. Manoban?" Jennie asked.

Lisa looked up from her computer for a moment, registered Jennie's face and looked back down. "Mhm?" Was all she let out.

Jennie walked into the office. She wasn't sure if she was welcome as the blonde woman didn't seem to give any indication of emotion. Her face calm and solemn, her eyes moved along the screen methodically. "Um, I'm Jennie Kim. I'm a programmer here. I'm on the Iris project." Jennie paused for the other woman to say something. Lisa simply kept typing at whatever she was typing at, not even looking up. Jennie continued, "Well, to get to the point Lalisa-" Jennie paused, expecting the woman not to like it that she called her by a first name. It didn't seem to phase her, "Basically, ever since you've been assigning work deadlines, and you've been doing a great job, it's just, a little bit, sort of...too much for us."

Lisa stopped typing. She looked up from her computer and at Jennie for less than a second before looking back down, "Okay."

Jennie's eyes widened and she let a nervous smile spread on her face, "Okay?"

Lisa's eyebrows raised as if to say "Yes, that's what I said, why are you still here?"

Jennie nodded, "Okay. Thanks." She backed out of the room and shut the door, walking back to her desk.

In her office, Lisa waited a few moments before looking up at the door, her face still solid. She looked back down and opened a file labeled "personnel", the file she'd been given of her workers before she'd started. It was slightly more detailed than the public one and supposed to be kept private as it was really only for security reasons. Lisa looked through them anyways.

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