Chapter 23; I didn't wish to be His Rival

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Bad dreams are ghosts of our fears
and worries, haunting us while
we sleep.

The look Henry had on his face when he saw his stepbrother was unforgettable.

I wonder what happened with Henry that day. I hope he is fine though he didn't seem like it. Why are the people adding more and more problems in our lives?

I was worried for what happened that day so I texted him to not worry much as I knew he'd get tensed over small things. To which he replied saying Don't worry. I am ok.

It's still not found whose fingerprints those were but Mr. Brown said that we will find that soon.

Anyways, so today was a holiday of the college. I hadn't not touched my books and I had a lot of assignments pending. As dad was not home, I thought about studying.

I looked at the pile of books and papers. I didn't know that there were so many.

I kept staring at them as if waiting for them to suddenly disappear.

I sat on the chair and started doing some random stuff.

Rian's P.O.V

I have finally got the courage to tell it to Mr. Brown. When I saw him yesterday, his state, he was looking very tired and worried about the case. I thought about it the whole night and came to the conclusion that I will tell Mr. Brown about it.

I know he was supposed to be my enemy but I can't really do it anymore. Especially after meeting him...I just can't.

I asked dad if he had a meeting with Mr. Brown today but he denied. I first thought that I would tell that to all of them together but then I changed my mind and decided that I'll tell Mr. Brown, he will tell me what to do next. I am a major part of this now.

So, as dad didn't have a meeting with them I thought to visit his office. I asked dad about the address and then went straight towards his office.

I just can't live with this stress anymore. It is eating me up alive. I will do whatever it takes to arrest the real culprits.

I reached outside his office which was lavish. I entered inside and was just gawking at the interior design.

"I had an appointment with Mr. Brown." I said to the receptionist and showed her my phone which had the appointment letter.

"Ok sir. He is inside probably working. You can meet him. " She said sweetly after checking the appointment letter.

I knocked the door and then came a voice from inside.

"Come in."

I entered inside to find him doing something on the computer. He look at me and his expressions changed. As expected.

He kept looking at me for good 5 minutes and then spoke.

"Rian right? "
"Yeah." It's really awkward...

"Come sit." he said pointing towards a chair across him.

"So, how are you here?" he asked once I comfortably sat down.

"Um....Actually..... I want to tell you something. "
"And what is it? " he asked while giving me full concentration.

"It is regarding Henry's case." Of course it would be. I was literally acting as if I was confessing to my crush.

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