Chapter 8; His Friend

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Sometimes we can't understand the simplest things that have been in front of our eyes for the longest of times...

A holiday...

I can have a better look of the city. I've been living here for a week but I never got to explore.
So, today would be the day...

I was walking down the streets and looking around shops.
I was in my own world while walking as I didn't pay any attention to my surroundings and accidentally bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry..." I quickly apologized to the boy standing in front of me. He kept looking at me as if trying to remember something.

"Sorry but do I know you?" I couldn't handle that stare and straight away asked him.

"I don't know. You just seem familiar..."
A little 'Oh' was what I could manage to say in that situation.

I was still looking at him, waiting for him to stop making that weird face that he made when he was trying to 'remember' something.
But suddenly, his eyes widened and he asked me,

" Are you Daisy?"

What! How does he know my name?

" Yes I am, but how do you know?"
" Ah... leave it" He said and walked away.

Did he really think I was gonna let him go away like after leaving me in confusion!

" Hey!" I ran behind him and he turned around.
" What?"
" What do you mean by 'what'? I'm not a celebrity that everyone will know my name. If a stranger knows your name, isn't that weird?"

" that's the problem. You don't have to worry.
Trust me, it's not weird."
He said with an assuring smile.

" I'm not trusting you. But ok, if you don't wanna tell me, I won't force you. But you already know my name and to make and to make it fair, tell me yours. Simple!"
He suddenly started laughing.
But I didn't remove the seriousness on my face.
" Ok. My name is John. You don't know me btw."He extended his hand for a handshake but who was even thinking about that right now?

Could he be Henry's friend?

No, no ofc not...

There are many people whose name is John.

I too, extended my hand and shook hands with him.

" Wait... did you just say that I don't know you? Does that mean that you know me?"

" Mmmm...kind of?" He said after thinking for a while.

"Oh God! Ok. Just tell me who told you about me." I asked him, thinking that this would be the right thing to ask right now. But...

" That's the main thing. That is what I'm supposed to not tell you." And he gave me a sly smile.

" But this isn't done! I don't know about you. And I just know your name."

Should I ask him?

No, I'll sound stupid.

" Sorry Daisy, but I can't tell you. Don't worry, I'm not some kind of stalker or something."
I just made an irritated face and looked away from him.

That's it! I can't control anymore...

" Do you know someone called Henry ?"
I said it in one breath, not wanting to hear my own self.
He looked at me with his eyes widened.

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