06. The Path Down South

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Ellie sat on the couch, idly staring at the knife in her hand. Dina was next to her, asleep. It had been just a short while after the attack and Ellie was getting impatient now. Jene was on the floor in front of them, the rope tied tightly around her wrists.

Ellie finally got up and strode over to the leader of New Town. She shook the woman. "Wake up."

Jene groaned as she stirred. She tried to move, but realised her hands were tied. "What happened?" she mumbled, disconcerted.

"You tried to kill us," Ellie replied coldly.

She grimaced and pulled at the rope. "You can't keep me like this."

"I will, until you tell us the whole truth. Who are these people? What are they called?"

"I can yell and someone will hear me."

She suddenly brought the knife close to Jene's neck, who squirmed uncomfortably. "I don't think that's a good idea. Now, I don't have all day. You're going to answer all my questions. Truthfully." She glanced back at Dina.

Jene swallowed. "I told you, I don't know. And th-that knife doesn't scare me," she said, although her tone gave her away.

Ellie pressed the knife against her skin.

"I just did what they wanted," Jene blurted out. "There were more of them. If they wanted, they could have just burned down this town. I had to make sure we would all be safe. And if that meant giving up someone I met once every few months, then I would do it. I just... didn't know he had a daughter."

"You don't know a lot of things. You tried to kill us in your own town. What kind of a sick fuck are you, who kills people while they sleep?"

Jene didn't reply.

"You don't deserve to live for what you've done," Ellie said, disdainfully. Her knife drew beads of blood. "I need you to talk. Now."

Jene conceded, trying to pull herself away from the blade "I-I don't know who they are. They came from the southern path. It's right past the river." She paused to take a deep breath. "Jude and Elaine were outside the walls when they were captured. Their leader, Trent, and a few of his people turned up at our gates and wanted to speak to me. They knew we traded with Jackson and wanted me to get Joel out of there. He killed Elaine in front of me. Th-they said that if I didn't give them Joel within a week, they would kill Jude too."

"Why didn't they just come to Jackson?" Ellie asked.

"Because th-they would never be able to take it on. It's far more protected than New Town. And no one would suspect anything until it was too late if he was out of there."

"It's like you fucking planned it for them."

"N-no! I swear, I just did what they wanted."

"So, where did they go with him?"

"I-I don't know!" Jene sputtered. "Please, don't hurt me!"

"If you're lying to me, I will fucking-"

"Ellie," a calm voice next to her said.

She turned to find Dina beside her, her hand reaching for Ellie's. That's when she realised the blood she'd drawn from Jene in her anger. She withdrew her weapon, still staring daggers at the bound woman.

"There's a small town... it's about fifty miles from the river crossing." Jene suddenly said. "They said they were staying there."

"Where's that?" Dina asked.

"It's down the southern path. I-It's the road on the left once you get out of the gates. When you come across the Sinclair Chemical Plant, take the right at the crossroads. It's just a few miles ahead."

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