I shook my head; I had absolutely no idea.

"Today is October 24th." She stated, firmly. She placed some blue gloves on her hands before continuing, "alright. I am going to look over your injuries first. Go ahead and lay down." I followed her orders and tried to cover my eyes from the bright lights. "I am sorry about the lights, honey." She stated as she observed my body for various injuries. She even pulled up my gown and listened to my abdomen before pushing on it. "Does this hurt?"

I shook my head in response.

"Alright, could you stand up for me?" I followed her orders as she inspected my back and legs. When she got to my right leg, she pointed at a bruise. "How did you get this?"

I cleared my throat before replying, "I have no idea."

"Well, I am asking because you have an injection mark inside of the bruise. Do you use any illegal drugs I should know about?" I shook my head immediately. I do not understand how I got that injection mark, but I would never ever try any illegal drugs.

"We are going to draw your blood for some labs and I will have someone take you to get a CAT scan."

I sat down on the bed before asking, "CAT scan?"

"Yes, it's a machine that scans your body for any internal injuries."

I nodded as she got her equipment ready to draw my blood. I just wished I could remember something even if it is the smallest detail.

*     *     *  

    "I swear I did not do any drugs," I stated, making eye contact with the Detective, hoping she believes me.

"Trust me, I believe you, but someone else could have drugged you. You would not be able to inject a drug into the back of your calf, honey." I sighed with relief that someone finally believes me. We broke eye contact as we stared at the wooden door due to someone knocking on it. Kate walked into the room with a very serious expression.

"I know why she has no memory." She placed her clipboard on the counter and placed her back against the counter with her arms crossed at her chest.

"Well, what is it?" I inquired with curiosity. I was finally going to get some answers.

"You have high levels of Zeta Interacting Peptide. It's an experimental drug that is used for patients with PTSD to erase selective memories. Your body has so much of this peptide that it caused a chemically induced state of permanent amnesia."

The detective and I made eye contact and she had her hand raised to cover her gaping mouth. I cannot believe it. Someone has been drugging me. For how long?

"How can someone gain access to this drug?" The detective asked the nurse.

"Your answer is as good as mine, but what I can tell you is that you are extremely malnourished and dehydrated. I could tell you were malnourished by looking at you, but the labs confirmed you." Kate bit the corner of her mouth, glancing between the both of us.

"What do her scans look like?" The detective inquired.

"They look good. No internal bleeding." We both nodded before she continued, "I need to pump some fluid into your body to hopefully reverse the dehydration and I will find you something to eat. You must be starving!" She left the room in a hurry.

"Pump some fluids?" I questioned, looking at the detective.

"Yes, she will start an IV line and give you some fluids to achieve an adequate amount of hydration."

I nodded as Kate walked back into the room. As she was placing the IV, she points out the injection marks that are on my arm and suddenly I am not in the hospital room anymore.

I looked around the dark room and tried to move my body, but my legs and arms were shackled to the railings of the bed. "Help!" I screamed in hopes someone could hear me. All I could hear was beeping of a machine behind me. I could barely see a few inches away from my body. Then, I felt a rough hand encircled my wrist and held it down. I tried to focus my eyes, but all I could see was a second hand coming at me with a needle. I started to kick my legs and squirm out of the person's grasp. "No! Do not do it!"

Then, I was met with the bright lights again and I knew I was back at the hospital. I look up to see Kate hovering over me with her hands on my shoulders with the detective peering at me from behind Kate. "Are you okay? You started to freak out when I was about to place the IV?" I looked at Kate's face to see a concern expression.

I nodded and apologized. Was that a memory? If it was, it is true that I have been experimented on with this drug. Why me though?

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