Chapter Three: Date Unknown

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As the Detective and I walked through the double doors that slide open for us as we walked up to it, I was amazed. I have never seen a door like this! I looked behind me and watched the doors closed before opening again when a new person walked in. I felt a hand on my shoulder, causing me to jump. I turned around and saw Detective Smith.

"Come on. The emergency room is this way." She nodded her head towards the bright red sign that stated Emergency Room. I nodded in response before following behind her.

"I will get you checked in. How about you take a seat?" She gave me a small smile while pointing to the waiting area. I watched her get in line behind a desk with a lady with brunette hair pulled up in a ponytail, talking to the person in front of the Detective. I walked to a chair and took a seat. I thought the chairs at the station were uncomfortable, but I was wrong. I moved back and forth to find a comfortable position to sit in as I looked around to see a large TV mounted with a bunch of children's toys on the floor below it. I wondered what my childhood was like along with my parents. I hope they are still alive. I looked up to see the Detective make her way towards me. We sat in silence for a while, but it was a comfortable kind of silence.

"Do you know your birthday?" She made eye contact with me as her eyebrows scrunched together.

I shook my head in response and looked down at my hands that were in my lap. My palms and knuckles had an assortment of wounds and were very raw which made it painful to the touch.

"It looks like you got into a fight with someone," she stated as I glanced up to see her staring at my hands as well.

"But why? I do not want to hurt anyone." I was so confused. Why would I fight someone?

"I completely understand that, but you had to protect yourself in some way so you fought back." I nodded. It made sense, but I hope I did not hurt that person badly.

"Jane Doe!" A loud, feminine yell came from a wooden door that was across the room. Detective Smith stood up and waved her hand for me to follow her, but I stood in the same spot.

"But that isn't my name." I stated, confused.

The detective turned around, grabbed my hand and smiled. "It's what we call females who do not know who they are."

I nodded as she led me towards the blonde woman who had an enthusiastic smile on her face and a clipboard held to her chest. She led us to a room, pointed towards the bed, and closed the door. I assumed she wanted me to sit on the bed so I followed her instructions.

"My name is Kate and I will be your nurse tonight," she stated as she opened the cabinet above the sink and grabbed a yellow gown which she handed to me. "I would like for you to put this on. I will be back in to check out your body and draw some blood for labs."

I nodded as she left the room and looked down at the gown. How the hell am I supposed to wear this? "I will help you." Detective stood up from her place on the chair and walked towards me.

I looked up to see her smiling down at me before handing her the gown. I stood up and started to get undressed. "You can keep your underwear on, honey. You just have to put your arms through these holes and I will tie it in the back for you." I nodded and turned around so my back was facing her. A knock came at the door before the door opened slightly.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes!" The detective said back as she took her place on one of the two brown chairs. I sat on the edge of the bed as Kate came in.

"So, you have no idea of your name or date of birth?" Kate asked with confusion written all over her face. I nodded in response. "Do you know what today's date is? Kate questioned.

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