22.Someone to share

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"Arjun, you okay?",Meera asked with concern .

No reply.He did not utter a single word throughout the drive.

He stopped the car in front of the apartment and Meera got off.

He lowered the window ," You should sleep. I will come back later." in a serious tone and drove off before Meera could ask anything.

She thought about the sudden change in his behaviour.He never behaved like this.

"He was looking all happy during the party, then what happened. Who was that man who talked to me?", Meera thought anxiously.

"How dare he? He might have done a full research on Meera by now! He just can't handle my happiness.He can't handle anyone's happiness. I have never seen a more selfish person in my entire life!!", Arjun thought while driving rashly through the lonely lanes.

Arjun reached home after a long time and found Meera sitting in the balcony , still awake.

"What is wrong with you, Meera? Still awake?",He asked furiously.

"I was not able to sleep. Are you okay?", Meera was worried.

Arjun's anger vanished in a second looking at his anxious Meera.

"I am sorry. I spoiled the day.", Arjun spoke with guilt.

"If there's something bothering you, You know you can talk to me, right?", Meera said gently holding his hand.

Arjun cupped her face ,"I can't afford to lose you, Meera, ever!" and kissed her forehead.

"He is my Father! just namesake actually, One doesn't become a father just by creating a child. All my life, I have hated them both!", Arjun said.


"My parents! Well, they don't deserve to be called so.", Arjun said with tears occupying the corner of his eyes.

Meera looked at him with compassion.

"My so called father had an affair with his much younger secretary for a long time. Almost everybody knew about this, even my mom but she just pretended as if she knew nothing.So that she can still continue with this lavish life.They never had time for me! I was just a puppet who was supposed to inherit everything after my father.After several years of pretending like a happy couple, My "genius" mother stole around 20 crores of money and jewellery and ran off with her lover. Finally, My father was free. He blamed Mom for screwing up their so called peaceful marriage and married his secretary", Arjun said with tears running down his cheeks.

"Daadu and Daadi were the ones who brought me up.Daadi passed away five years back due to cardiac arrest and now, Daadu is all I have.

He wanted me to inherit his business! I never wanted anything from that man. All he does is destroy other's happiness. I wanted to show him that I can make a name on my own. Now you know how Java communications was formed"

Meera's eyes were cloudy with tears hearing him. She gave him a tight healing hug comforting him.She had never seen him look so vulnerable.

Next morning, Meera woke up to find the bed empty beside her.

She walked out of the room to find Arjun making coffee in the kitchen.

"Hey, Good morning!", Arjun said with a cheerful smile.

"You up so early?", Meera asked.

"It's late actually. You looked really cute while sleeping that I didn't feel like waking you up",Arjun kissed her cheek.

Meera smiled,"You okay now?"

"Much better! Feels good to have someone to share my sorrow.Thank you"

Meera gave a tight hug.She rested her head on his chest hearing his heartbeat.

"Any plans for today?", Arjun asked caressing her back.

"I have work, Mr.Desai. My patients are waiting"

"My patience is also waiting", Arjun said with a smirk.

Meera looked at him puzzled.

"For this, Dr", and he pulled her into a passionate kiss.His hands entered inside her tshirt rubbing her back and midriff.She opened her mouth giving him entry inside.Soon, their tongues fighted for dominance. His hands wandered across her body and she slowly unbuttoned his shirt.Within seconds,it transformed into an intense lovemaking session.

Meera's phone suddenly rang.

"Ignore it, Meera"

"Wait, let me see who is it?", Meera lifted her phone to find "Paapa calling".

She quickly answered.

"Good morning beta, We just landed", Paapa said on the otherside.

"Landed?? Back in Mumbai??????", The phone jolted in her hand.

"Yess,We are coming in 20 minutes.Open the door", Paapa said and hung up.

"They are back!!!!! I need to get back home before they reach", Meera shouted.

They quickly dressed and ran towards the car.

Suggest me a good movie to watch- sci-fi genre.

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XOXO,Lots of love..

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