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Bokuto's POV

Sakura wanted to walk with her friend today so we weren't walking to school together. Every little step I took though I couldn't stop thinking about Y/n. My head was so focused on her that I took the way that passed her house. Which I only realized that I passed by when I saw her house.

"Bokuto?" I hear, the sweet tone of her voice, her gentle foot steps, the wind that blew threw her beautiful h/c hair. Of course this ended with both of us walking to school together. I fiddled with my fingers keeping my eyes on the ground, occasionally I would look at her from the corner of my eye. It confused me why her face was a bit red, I hope she isn't sick. We arrived at school way too soon, I mean why isn't the walk to school longer? I look back at you seeing that your face was a bit redder.  Maybe I should ask her if she is ok, I thought.

"Hey Y/n are you ok?" I asked. Your face turned to me, it was then when I noticed your stiff figure and your fake happy smile.

"Yeah, why?" She asked, your head had tilted while your face gave me a more confused look, but more importantly...damn it was cute. I'm pretty sure my face was redder then a tomato.

"You...Adorable" I mumbled out, her face then went just as red as mine before I even noticed I was drooling. "Uh...sorry, I didn't mean you...I meant....um....Akaashi!" I said, before pointing to him. Looking at her, her face went back and her expression went from a flustered one to a more...sad one? Was that line getting too old? Or is she insulted? "Hey...um...don't get me wrong your cute too..." dammit I probably hurt her already like this will make up for it. I couldn't help but blush and avoid eye contact, this was incredibly embarrassing.

"Thanks Bokuto. Your cute too" she said, I looked up to have seen her bright smile along with a couple of giggles which were obviously because of me. "Anyways I'll see you around" and then she left with a small wave. That's when I realized her stiff figure had gone. Akaashi then stood right next to me watching her walk away with me.


"Mhm?" I could tell he was looking at me from the corner of his eyes. His stare felt deadly and it did give me shivers down my spine but I brushed it off.

"I think I just saw the sun" I told him, she had my day with that smile. "The universe definitely revolves around her" I mumbled out.

"Bokuto, the plants revolve around the sun not the universe"


During class

Dear Y/n...

Dang it! Why is this so hard? I thought. Math was getting to hard and I ended up doodling you which ended with me wanting to write to you. "I wonder..." I softly mumble. The idea of your lips came into my mind...what happened if I placed mine into yours.





"BOKUTO!"  I quickly lift my head to be met with my teacher. I heard a few chuckles before I wiped my mouth clear of my drool. "Please and try to stay awake during class!" she said sternly, as I hummed a yeah. So she walked away while I looked down to see that I ruined my not finished letter to you. I picked it up and threw it away and readied myself to start another one. Girls like love letters right? Oh what if I compare her to the sun?! I mean her smile is just as warm and bright.

Just then the bell rang and not even two seconds later Sakura came running in.

"Bokuto! Let's go eat. I'm hungry" she said quite excitedly, I wanted to sit with her but today I want to sit with Y/n. "I know this is weird to bring this up but, do you think Akaashi and Y/n would be adorable together? Omg then we could go on so many double dates and have fun!"


Her...with...Akaashi?? Wait I shouldn't care...but why does this hurt?

"Sure they would be cute together...I guess" I mumble the last part but she got angry cause she heard. Quick gotta cut her off, "but today I wanna sit with Y/n!" Her face grew angrier.

"Why? Do you think she is prettier then me? Are you going to try and cheat on me? What? Am I not good enough for you?" She started barking out questions, but to be quite honest most of them went over my head. But what really confuses me is why is she talking like we are together. I mean yeah we have been on a date or two but that doesn't mean we're dating right?

"I didn't say any of those things, we are friends and I just wanna sit with her today"

"Hmph, ok whatever go sit with that dumb girl. I'll just be sad and lonely for lunch" she said crossing her arms while closing her eyes and looking away. Just like a tsundere would do. "Fine if you get to sit with her then I'm going to go sit with Komi" she said, with the face she was making I'm assuming she is trying to make me jealous? Her intentions are always so clear. OR AM I GETTING SMARTER?! With this level of smartness I can pass any math test!

A smile grew on my face along with a small blush, what can I say I was really excited to see her and show off how smart I am. "Thanks Sakura, bye" I say quickly before running off. I quickly get to the roof to see no one. "Am I early?" I say quietly. I sit my the door to wait but five seconds later I fell asleep, who knew waiting could be so boring?

A bit later

I slowly opened my eyes and was about to stretch but I felt something heavy on my shoulder. I tiredly look over to see that Y/n, yes the Y/n had fallen asleep on MY shoulder.

My face goes completely red before I felt the cold air on me. Isn't she cold? I thought. I lift her head a bit before quickly taking off my jacket and placing her head back on my shoulder to cover her with my jacket. I then stared up at the sky feeling sleepy again. "When did I go to bed last night?" I softly say, cause I fell asleep in class, here, and I'm about to pass out-


Akaashi's POV

I hope Y/n hasn't been waiting long. Getting my lunch took a little longer then I wanted it to. I open the door to see Bokuto and Y/n. Both of them sleeping of course.

I hate to say this but I think Bokuto and Y/n are really hitting it off...I'm getting kinda...jealous. You both really deserve each other.

"But I'm not giving up"

A/n: ok ok ok, I got sick and a bit of writers block so this was supposed to come sooner but it didn't and for that I apologize. Also HOLY CRAP A THOUSAND READS!!! Thank you guys so much, you truly are amazing and I hope your day is amazing and I absolutely love each and everyone of you. Thank you so much💕💞

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