A Date

610 19 27

Y/n and I were about to walk away but I looked down to the tree one more time, just in time to see Bokuto looking up at us. Well he wasn't really looking at me, he was just looking at her.

Bokuto's POV

I look up to see to see Y/n, her eyes sparkle while her hair flittered in the wind making my face feel a bit hot. I then see Akaashi next to her, "oh how about we go shopping after school Bokuto?" Sakura asked, my attention then was given to her. I sat there staring at her rethinking my decisions,

"Huh? Oh um...sure why not!" I said, with hesitation in my voice. I look at the brown haired girl and notice how much makeup she has on, it was a lot more then when we first met. It kinda disgusted me, at least Y/n had a more natural pretty face, that for some reason I couldn't get out of my head. Before I knew it lunch ended and we all were walking back to class, but of course Sakura had to walk me back to class, why cant she just leave me alone. Wait is this how Y/n felt with me, dammit I really messed up with her.

"I will see you later, Ko!" She said so happily. Ko? That was random and weird, I dont know if I really like her calling me that. She waves me goodbye while I give her a small smile, "hey, what's wrong? Oh I'm sorry about the nickname." She said. I must have worry written all over my face, but I should be great full for her, right? I cant be hung up on Y/n forever, I need to move on and Sakura is give me the perfect opportunity two. I put on a bright smile before saying,

"Nope it was nice! nothing is wrong!" She smiled and kissed my cheek, making my face turn bright red. Yeah I think I will be able to move on from her quickly.

Your POV

You sat in class, distracted and angry with your self, why couldn't you just focus in class? Why was this simple childish boy still in your head? You saw down your sleeve seeing the permanent scares on your arm, before looking up to see the teacher saying some nonsense. You sighed and grabbed your pencil to start doodling in your notebook, but you noticed that Akaashi was taking down the notes the teacher was saying in two different notebooks. It didn't take you long till you realized that he has taking all those notes more you, you hated to be a bother but you needed to study. Before you knew it the bell rang and you noticed that most of your doodles were owls, some were well drawn while others were not. You closed your note book and packed your things to go home and watch a really sad movie to get your mind off everything. You quickly got to your locker to change your shoes and to quickly go home, "Y/n" you look to see Akaashi at the front gate, he probably wanted to hand you today's notes he was taking in class. "Let's go out today" he said,

"What? Why?" You asked, there goes your plans of going home and watching your TV.

"Cause you could use the night out" he said, it was true you were trying to stay in your house to avoid a certain someone. And it could be fun, you could use the fresh air since you haven't been going out as much as you needed to now. Yeah you needed this, and if anything goes wrong you can tell him your tired or something to go home. You both went home to drop your stuff off and get changed into more comfortable clothes, you threw your hair into a ponytail and put on a black short spaghetti strap dress, leaving your face makeup less you left with your bag that had everything you needed in it. You walked out of your house excited to see what Akaashi had planned for the day, but as you closed you door you turned to see Akaashi there gawking at you for some odd reason,

"What?" You asked, he then looked away before stuttering,


Akaashi's POV

Y/n and me walked side by side to a mall, but while walking past one of the stores we ran into the last person I needed to see,

"Akaashi?" Bokuto said, he seemed tired, but happy. "What are you doing here?" He then asked,

"Me and Y/n are hanging out, what are you doing?" He seemed surprised, but he then saw Y/n and couldn't seem to get his eyes off her, and a massive noticeable blush blew rose onto his face. I knew how he felt, she was wearing something so simple but she looked so beautiful. Bokuto admired her until we were interrupted,

"Bokuto! Let's-oh hello Akaashi and...Y/n?" Sakura had such a fake act that it was so hard to bare, also the amount of make up on her face was just so disgusting. "Well do you guys wanna join us and make this a double date?"

"Wha?!?" I look over to you to see your whole face had became red, while the grip on her bag tightened,

"Oh Y/n lets go into this store!" Sakura grabbed Y/n and then dragged her into a clothing store before she could even say anything.

"Akaashi? Are you on a date with Y/n?" I look to Bokuto to see that his eyes were widen and his face more then serious,

"Why do you care? Arent you going out with Sakura?" I asked,

"Answer the damn question!" He shouted,

"I honestly dont know" could this be a date? Know that I think about it, I have never really thought about how I feel about her. Could I possible like her?

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