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No one's POV
Your own eyes filled with tears, "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to be mean!" Your apology was came out slightly louder then you liked. Bokuto took another step back to give you more space. "I'm so sorry.." you said more calmly bringing your hands to your mouth, your voice cracking unable to hold back the tears at this point. Bokuto's eyes widen, he was slightly nervous to touch you but still against the words in his head he placed his hand on your back to at least give you at some sort of comfort. Not sure what to say he just stands her rubbing your back.

"Y/n what happened?" Akaashi asked, you stood there recalling the memories making you cry even harder. You couldn't tell them even if you wanted to. The words stuck in your throat, creating that lump that you just swallowed before curling into a ball and wishing the you would just disappear. But of course wishing for the impossible won't do anything.

Bokuto stood there, no clue what to do. But he felt his heart draining, crumpling, breaking, just at the mere sight of you this upset. Of course he didn't want to just stand there. Crouching down to your size, he sat there, worried sick on what happened and at the same time didn't wanna push you.

He wasn't sure if his back ribs were helping. But he surely liked thinking they did. Finally he sat on the floor, gently pulling on your arm, that was hugged tightly around your figure. He pulled you into him, then of course once he had you in his arms, he proceeded with his back rubs.

Akaashi, stood there, watching the whole scenario play out. Deep inside he knew how this was going to turn out, he just didn't wanna accept it. Walking up to you slowly before crouching down to meet your tear stained face. "Hey, whatever happened. We'll always be here for you. No matter what, Kay? You mean so much to me. I wanna be there to protect you, to comfort you. You don't have to tell me what your going through, but just know that I will ALWAYS be here for you. No matter what." His words, so monotoned, yet so comforting to hear.

"Sakura got angry with me today" You stated plainly. It's not that you didn't wanna tell them, it was that you were scared to. How would they react was the only question running in your mind.

"I don't know what your getting at, but stay away from him, you slut!"

"Listen everyone already knows your prostituting yourself, I mean you live alone am I right? How else would you get the money your not good at anything else"

"The fact your aiming towards whats mine now is far from insulting"

"So do us both a favor and leave him alone. He doesn't have time for people like you!"

"So do as I say and leave him alone, or else I'll have to deal with you personally and we both know I would rather stay out of the presence of garbage"

Each word rang in your head, echoing again and again. Recalling the situation just to tell them brought more tears to yours eyes. Your voice cracking and wavering through your sentences. They way you describe how she touched you, how your head still hurt from the bang. Needless to say Bokuto was surprised, Akaashi on the other hand didn't think she would go this far. But proceeded to get up and get you some hot cocoa from the kitchen to cool down. Getting mad wasn't going to solve anything and he knew that. Collecting his thoughts as he made the hot cocoa. Bokuto in the other hand was furious. "Why the hell would she do that?! Yet alone say that?! And who is her so called 'man'?!" The clueless boy said, his grip tightened around you. Not in a bad way, but a more protecting way. And even though you liked it, you felt uneasy.

"What do you mean?" You asked Bokuto, "she was referring to you, she told me you guys were dating" you plainly stated, scared of what his response was to be. But it was then you noticed the loud silence. You slowly looked up to his face, scared that he would be staring wide eyed at you. But to your surprise, he wasn't. In fact his face looking like he was burned out, steam even came out of his ears. He was trying to remember when he asked her out. "Uhh, Bokuto are you okay?" You asked, he perked up by your sudden question and nodded, "sorry I don't remember asking her out.." he stated, relief washing over you. A weight being lift from your chest. Having the ability to breath again. It all rushed over you, calming you down ever so nicely. Wait..what?! Were you supposed to feel like this, and that's when your mind fully processed everything. "Wait you guys aren't dating?!?" You accidentally screamed, covering your mouth with your hand, while your face heated up in embarrassment. Bokuto chuckled a bit before replying, "Not that I know of, no."

"So what you are saying is, she is spreading a big lie that you two are together?" Akaashi said, out of no where. He handed you the hot cocoa and sat beside you two. "Huh?! Why would she do that?!" Bokuto asked. Akaashi sighed before telling him the obvious facts, "Bokuto, she is obviously head over heels for you. She is obviously a fan girl who is taking things way out of hand. And I think it's YOUR responsibility to keep this under control considering she is YOUR fangirl." Akaashi stated, a hint of anger lingered in his voice. You did end up pretty hurt, and he lead Sakura on.

"You all sound so glum and dark" A rooster boy spoke. "I just talked with my parents and they won't be home till late, but overall they said it was okay for you all to stay" Kuroo said. Turning his face in hopes none of them would see the hidden irritation he had. Collecting his thoughts and emotions, he just had to figure out who will stay where and also what they will have for dinner. His thoughts made his face turn into a one of thinking.

"Is there a problem, Tetsuro!" You asked, hoping you could help for letting you stay for the night. His head perked up a bit, giving his attention to you. "Oh! Yeah! I'm just figuring out where you guys will sleep, oh! And what we'll eat for dinner" he said, smiling. Hoping it would ease you that everything was okay.

"Oh, well I can cook for you guys, that is if you want of course!" You said proudly

Super slow update, but it's finally here!! Another chapter!!
Love y'all!!! <3

Will the Day Come? [BokutoXReader] حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن