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A week past and you and Akaashi had finished your project, but Bokuto on the other hand he just wouldn't leave you alone. When ever you bumped into him it was time for a 20 minute talk, and now he is starting to wait for you at the gate and is coming to your class to have lunch with you. Honestly you USED to like him, but he just would not leave you alone, the only time you could find yourself alone was at home at this point. You know Akaashi was working on it, but he told you that he wouldn't listen to him, meaning you were going to have to talk to him yourself. With a big sigh you left to go talk to him, and honestly you didn't know how you were going to tell him.

"Y/N!!! WAIT" you heard, you knew the voice all to well, you turn around with a nervous expression on making him a little confused why, "Hey is everything ok?"

" wanted to talk to you about something, really important," I say, trying to seem really serious. He looked at me confused, "listen I like hanging out with you a lot, but..." you struggled to think, I mean you were never that good at being social anyways, "can you stop?" His face gave you a shocked and hurt look,

"Am I being annoying?" Your eyes widen to see tears trickling out of his eyes,

"No no no no, um...sorry that came out wrong!" You quickly said,

"No no I get it" his look went from hurt to painful, and it was painful to watch. "I'll leave you alone then," you didn't know if that meant for right now or if that meant forever, but you hoped it was just for the moment. I mean you did love talking to him, but he needs to realize that it's a bit much, but what you did hurt him, and you so much that once he was out of sight, you started wailing with tears, screams were going on. You wanted him to hear u but you closed your eyes tightly the pain was unbearable, you then felt a hand go on your head. You look to see Akaashi,

"It's gonna be ok" he said, as he pulled you into a tight hug

Bokuto's POV

"Can you stop?" Once I heard those words leave her mouth, I was surprised that Akaashi was right, she is getting annoyed be me. But to be certain I had to ask her,

"Am I being annoying?" Her eyes widen and I couldn't help it, I let myself cry.

"No no no no, um...sorry that came out wrong!" She then quickly answered,

"No no I get it," I knew she was tired of me, I guess she just doesn't want me to be around her...never again. I walk away sobbing quietly, but I told myself that once I turn that corner that I would run. I would run and never bother such a perfect angel again. I turned the corner and I was ready to run but then I heard something. I peek over the corner to see her curled up in a ball, clutching on to her uniform screaming out in pain, she then lifted up her head to scream even louder. She had tightly closed her eyes and just let her self sob. I was about to run over to her, I was about to tell her its ok, I was about to tell her that I loved her and that it was ok. But I felt a hand on my shoulder, I look behind me to see a really pissed Akaashi.

"I told you to leave her alone," he said, then he left to go comfort her. I was so hurt though, I didn't know what to do. Would it be better If I forgot about her? Or should I just cool it with her. I decided that I would just stay away from her for a while, hopefully that will help me decide.

The next day

I walk with Akaashi to school quietly, I was scared that he was going to murder me. Akaashi is like her father EXCEPT MORE PROTECTIVE. It's like he knows everything about her, WAIT DOES HE EVEN KNOW HER CUP SIZE. My face goes red thinking about it,

"Bokuto, are you thinking about Y/n again?" Akaashi asked,

"W-What? Of course not" I answer, I then look away from embarrassment. He then sighs and continues talking,

"Well, it doesn't matter anyways"

"Huh? Why?" I asked,

"Your not allowed to see her anymore. After getting the wrong idea she cried for three hours straight, she likes being your friend Bokuto, but she doesn't know how to handle stuff like this." He had more to say, but before doing so he sighed, "But if she really wants to continue being your friend that badly then I wont stop her." I scoff at what he said, yeah like she would want to be my friend after that.

We finally arrive at school and head to our separate lockers. I then take off my shoes and switch them with my school shoes. And after that I closed my locker to see a light dirt brown colored hair, they had it up in two buns with some of their hair hang down to shape their face nicely. To be honest she was a little cute, but not as cute as the perfect angel herself,Y/n. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of her name, but the person standing in front of me was thinking other wise,

"Hey, you like what you see?" She asked, with a smirk on her face.

"Um...I'm sorry do I know you?" I asked, I dont think I have ever seen her,

"I'm sorry, that was not really as good as I thought it would be. Again I'm sorry, I'm Sakura Aimi." She said with the biggest smile I have ever seen, "and you are the team captain of the boys volley ball team" This surprised me, so she knows me?

"Um...yeah how did you know?"

"Who doesn't know you?" I couldn't help but chuckle at her comment, "hey I wanted to talk to you about something actually," I nodded with a small smile to tell her to go on, "So I actually wanted to see you that's why I'm here. So you see I kinda have a small crush on you and I was finally able to gather the courage to tell you. So I wanted to ask you out on a date,"

A DATE!?!?

Will the Day Come? [BokutoXReader] Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang