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In the crowd of known strangers
When you are in a corner and a drop of tear falls,
People come rushing to you
As if it was their call,
Asking simple sugary questions
Is everything ok? Why did you cry,
They don't want to make you comfortable
They just want to ensure
That all your life problem are going just right.

When I ask them to give me some space and chill out
They act like pros
And Assure to sort it all out,
And continue to question
what happened honey?
As if when It happened they were unable to see,
I welled my invisible tears
And silently cried for their help
To save me from my own mess,
But they thought
I enjoyed my own company more
And decide to leave alone.

It's such an irony
They left me when I needed them
And now are acting like a true friend
I understand words unsaid are complicated
But why aren't you listening to words thay I just said?

Just leave me!
Like you did when you were needed the most
Thanks to you in a different way i decided to mould.

I shall continue to cry
But this time invisible tears
That I don't have to hide
I don't have to answer your what's and whys
And see you act surprised,
I shall cry at day and night,
When I feel wrong and even right,
Remembering all our lovely moments and fights,
I shall continue to cry.

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