3-Guilty pleasure.

143 8 4

Consuming media
And let it consume you,
I am sure on a regular basis
This is what all of us do.

But when it nears
The stage of disclosure
We frame it
Under the term My guilty pleasure.

Some take it in
As a reason to hate themselves,
Whereas some make use of it
To make a name for oneself.

Shouldn't it be fine?
To do what you like
And be yourself?
And stop feeding others psych.

Let's be brave
And take off the perfectionist mask,
Go out there
And show who you really are.

Be strong
To accept your flaws,
And accept that
they are a part of yours.

Don't minimize yourself
Or don't hide
You have been running from it
For the longest time.

Sit down
Chill and relax
It's fine to not be productive.
If you like it
Don't be guilty of doing it.

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