The Sleepover

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Virgil's POV

Everyone is in Remy's old pajamas since this was planned last minute. Remy is trying to make sure no one will bully me if he thinks that I have a group. But that won't stop anyone from bullying me. They don't care.

I sigh and wash the makeup off my face. I always wear it and Patton and family are the only ones to see me without makeup. I dry my face with a hand towel and throw it into the white laundry basket that is half my size. I leave the bathroom and see Remy at my bedroom door.

These walls are thin so you hear everything. Secrets are a myth in this house cause of it. When I was washing my face they were talking about how I'm doing in school. Of course I had to be the topic.

I walk in and they go quiet. I sit down on my bed with Logan and Remy leaves us with drinks and snacks. Roman and Patton are sitting on floor.

Patton says, "So I think we should answer your question now."

Roman asks, "What question?"

"Why we got detention."

I sigh, "I'll tell them." I take a moment. "I found out the two were dating... Janus and Remus, when I walked down one of the smaller hallways. They weren't even trying to hide it. They were having a full blown makeout session. They told me they have been dating for three years. Which means my five year relationship was mostly lies." I take a shaky breath holding back tears, "I started yelling and Patton came to take me away. A teacher heard me cussing and gave me detention. Patton said a curse word and the teacher gave him detention too even though they knew Patton only did it for me."

Roman and Logan were quiet and I got nervous.

Roman says, "I would have punched someone."

Logan says, "You deserve better."

I went quiet and ate a snack that Remy made. I wasn't sure how to respond. I then turn on the tv.

Roman says, "We should play a game."

Patton got excited, "What game?"

"Never have I ever."


Logan shrugs, "If you all want to."

I sigh, "Sure."

Roman smiles, "Okay so you say something that you have never done. And if someone says something that you have done, you drink. So I will go first. Never have I ever not joined a club at school."

I'm the only one to drink, "I don't like clubs. What are you two in?"

Logan answers first, "Academics and science."

"Drama obviously."

Patton smiles, "Virgil already knows this but I'm in archery and on the weekends and sometimes week days I go to karate."

"Karate? That's cool," Roman exclaims.

Patton smiles more as he slightly blushes, "Thanks."

Logan says, "I will go now. Never have I ever went to a party." Roman and Patton drink.

Roman says, "I'm popular so I go to a lot. I'm always getting invited."

Patton says, "I go to a few. But only for a little bit. I usually leave if too many people are drunk and the party is getting out of control."

Logan looks at me, "I avoid social outings. Anxiety is a bitch, especially at parties and anywhere crowded and loud."

Patton perks up, "My turn! Never have I ever uh... umm... Had a pet!"

I'm the only one to drink. "I had a cat named Luna. She died a few years ago to old age." I then say, "I guess its my turn. Uh, never have I ever been on a trip."

All three of them took a drink.

Roman says, "I go to Disney World every summer break!"

Patton gasps, "Lucky! I go to Texas and New York. Family stuff."

Logan says, "I go to different states if needed. Business trips for my parents. But it is only during breaks off school so I don't miss any school. I can't allow my grades to drop."

We play a few more rounds. I found out that Logan has almost drowned and has a fear of water, he has smoked before, and he got into a fight before. That's a side of Logan I had no idea existed.

I also found out that Roman has gotten drunk, wore a dress, and had a photoshoot once. Patton was impressed.

Patton shared that he has an older sibling, was a vegetarian once, and had his first kiss in the ocean. Roman flipped out finding out that Patton's first kiss was not only in the ocean but with me.

"You and Panic at the Everywhere kissed," Roman practicality yelled.

I laugh, "Patton wanted to reenact a scene from a cheesy romance movie he had watched. And we didn't mean to kiss. It just happened. But at the time I had a crush on Janus and we already kissed. We just didn't tell each other how we felt."

Patton says, "Virgil's first kiss was romantic!"

Logan raised an eyebrow, "How so?"

"It was Christmas and Virgil was at a Christmas party at his house. He had invited me and Janus-"

I cut in, "Long story short. Mistletoe. Me and Janus under it. Then we kissed and three months later confessed. Cheesy. Stupid. And change of topic."

They all got the hint and we talked about shows and movies that we watch. After a while we all have finished the snacks and gotten along pretty well. It's late and we all fall asleep.

During the night I wake up and hear my phone going off a lot. Someone is spamming me with text messages. I grab my phone and look at the screen. My eyes take a moment to adjust. Its Janus. I ignore them and silence my phone. I set it back down on the bedside table and right when I'm about to fall asleep I realize something that makes me blush insanely. Someone is next to me. On my bed.

I think back to earlier. The one other person that ended up on my bed while the other two were on the floor. I hold my breath and turn around to look at him. Logan. I smile and cuddle up to him without a second thought. He is warm and I couldn't help it.

Soon I fall back asleep and everything is fine. I forget about everything that is bothering me.

"Wake up. School is in two hours and I don't need anyone's parents mad at me," Remy says.

Logan gets up and rushes to the bathroom, not saying anything which gives me some anxiety, while Roman complains about being woken up so early. Patton gets ready and I stay in bed as I ignore the anxiety and try getting extra sleep.

Remy pushes me out of the comfort of my bed. I sigh and change in Remy's room. I come out to see everyone getting ready to eat breakfast so I go to the bathroom to apply my makeup. Once the eyeshadow is under both eyes and looks good I go to the kitchen and start eating.

Then we get into the car and head to school. The memory of Logan sleeping with me, cuddling each other, fresh in my mind. This was the best sleepover ever.

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