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Wrote this fighting off either a cold or allergy reaction, don't know which yet... yeah! Not


Stretch snickered a bit at the sneeze, at Ag... never a Ah.

So Cute.

"Here is some chicken soup bro," he said, placing the warm chicken broth soup on Blues side table.

"..." Blue said from under the covers of his bed.

"Gotta eat bro, so you get better," Stretch said, and ripped the covers off the smaller monster.

"Too bright!" Blue hissed wincing as he curled into a ball of misery, Stretched looked at the dark room with the window covered with blackout blinds.


"Just relax, I'll get some tylonol," he said gently and left the room, Blue slowly uncurled himself and began to sip at the soup.

"Thanks," Blue said softly as he washed the pulls down with a glass of water,

Migraines from colds and allergies were the worst.

A bit later Stretch had him tucked under fresh sheets, the tylonol taking the edge of the pain.

"Sleep tight Blue," Stretch whispered leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

Blue smiled as he fell asleep, his brother was the best brother.

He wouldn't have it any other way.

Touch of the BluesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt