Uncle Blue

149 14 7

Still sick a bit, but feeling a lot better then yesterday. Yeah!

"So cute," Blue said with glee.

He wanted to squeal, anyone would... Error made a cutie of a baby bones.

Ink had a gob smacked look on his face, not expecting his latest paint to reverse the Destroyer in age.

"Should we... lock him up?" Dream said shocked, and shivered in terror at the glare Blue suddenly gave them.

"That would be child abuse Dream, he's an innocent as a baby," Blue said still glaring, them smiling gently he leaned down and picked error up using his own bandana to shelter the more delicate bones.

The bones were white and with glitches, a tired blue eyelight looked up at him.

He looked closer to classic then many others did.

"Heya Error, guess you can call me Uncle Blue. I\m going to be looking after you from now on," Blue told his his now baby friend.

"Can I be Uncle Ink?" Ink said excitedly.

"No..." Blue said dryly.

Baby Error giggled and laughed, his new caretakers were funny.

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