Video Games

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"Your Princess is in another castle," the small creature said.

The annoying creature with a super high pitched voice.

Blue looked idly down at his sword, and really wished the starts darn toad wasn't immortal.

Who ever created the being should be burning in hell.

"Ah, not so lucky today," the red garbed plumber said wondering in.

"Come on b-bro, The princess is still waiting," the taller green garbed plumber said shakily.

"Thanks for the help Mr silent swordsman," Blue grunted, one of the few sounds he could make.

When he got out of here he was going to murder Sci, he'd got him trapped in a video game multiverse as Link!

He linked the Zelda series, but he liked talking.

Well.. at least he wasn't Horror.

Somehow he ended up as Zelda.

Error... had ended as the main bad guy of the Zelda series, and decided to make this a Vacation.

"Kya!" he shouted spinning his sword.

"EEEEK!" Toad shrieked like a fire alarm and fled.

The dark chuckle came from the shadows.

Another Castle indeed.

Princess each aka Nightmare needed no one to rescue him.

Touch of the BluesWhere stories live. Discover now