this is erosion

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george's eyes flutter open slowly, a brief movement drawing him out of his sleep. he shut his eyes and furrowed his brows in confusion. frustrated with whatever had woken him up from his dream, he tried to prop himself up on his elbows to make sense of the situation. it only confused him more, though, when his attempt was met with resistance; a rather heavy arm draped across his waist weighing him down.

hold on.

george's eyes shot open upon realizing he couldn't move. rather, realizing why he couldn't move. after turning his face away from the mattress he was met with clay's face. right in front of his. centimeters away.

the younger was clearly asleep, the two had spent the night together enough times to know each other's sleeping habits. clay often showed a softer side of himself when asleep. his hand was usually tucked under his cheek, the opposite hand resting on whatever surface was next to him. and since george's head was taking up most of that space, where else would his hand go but around the older's waist?

clay's soft breathing against his neck was almost calming enough to bring his heart rate down, but it only rose as george realized just how close they had gotten in their sleep. their legs were intertwined, the blanket pulled down just past their thighs while the bottom was tangled in their legs.

something about their position just didn't sit right with george. not that he wasn't enjoying the warmth the younger was providing, he was just bothered that clay would definitely not enjoy waking up to this. it was so intimate and close; definitely not something friends do. despite his discomfort with that aspect, he decided to simply close his eyes and enjoy it while it lasted. so what if clay woke up, george was sure he'd untangle himself without thinking too much about it anyway. there's no way clay would lay there and admire him as he was doing currently.

and with one final glance at the younger's peaceful face, george laid his head back on the mattress and shifted ever so slightly closer to his friend.

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