1: Good Morning

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Italics are thoughts
Underlines are writing, text, print, etc.

Your pov

"Good morning, New Jersey!" My tv spoke as I made breakfast for myself, "It's the first day of September and it's absolutely gorgeo-" I changed the channel to something more entertaining, "Ferb, I know what we're gonna do tod-" And again, "This murder of crows migrates to-" And one more time, "What's the deal with airline food?" I guess Seinfeld it is...

Standing behind the counter of my tiny kitchen, I mostly tuned out the tv as I poured myself a bowl of cereal. Half asleep still, I walked into the living room, pajamas on, and ate my breakfast. I still barely paid any attention to the tv as I tapped through my phone, and ate.

"Hmm, Ginny's getting married. Good for her..." I spoke to myself, "Damn, he doesn't look half bad."

Who am I kidding? If any guy walked my way there's no doubt in my mind that I'd fall head over heels with just a glance my way... I'm pathetic...

"Oh fuck, I gotta get ready..."

I switched off the tv, went to the kitchen, shoved my bowl and spoon into the sink, then went to the bathroom to get ready. Taking a deep breath, I eyed myself in the mirror. With a long yawn I definitely didn't look my finest.

Rubbing my eyes, I took just one more second to myself before finally changing into my work clothes, doing my hair, brushing my teeth, and everything in between.

With one last look in the mirror, I slipped on a jacket, and grabbed my bag. I pulled my phone back out and put in my earbuds. My fingers scrolled around the screen. What to listen to today... oh, Nirvana Bleach... yes...

Blew began playing through my earbuds as I switched off the lights and began my short walk to the subway. The music blocked out my loud footsteps against the concrete stairs and platform.

The teenagers are always tired and quiet in the mornings... it's nice not having to hear a white boy yell the n-word for clout for just a little while...

Just like everyday, I quietly stood at the platform, taking a look at the other tired eyes around. Only a few feet away sat a familiar dark haired boy. A sketchbook rested on his legs with a bag of pencils and markers set against the side of his thigh. He held a concentrated look, one that I had seen many times.

I always thought he was cute... there's no way I'd say anything... but he's cute...

My eyes went to the subway tracks. Then, just like every morning, the same gigantic metal tube slowly came to a stop, just in front of me.

I stepped away as the doors opened, and just a few people got off. Along with me, the dark haired boy, the teenagers, and a few other people I had become familiar with got on board.

After a moment or two, the doors shut. I stood with a hand on one of the poles. The dark haired boy sat just across from me while only a few others stood around. He had his sketchbook and bag in the same spots as before. I wonder what he's drawing...

Without much thought, I leaned over him. He gazed up. I moved away. What the fuck am I doing!? People don't want strangers looking in their sketchbooks! At least... I don't...

Nervously, I sent an apologetic smile. He sent a smile back, but brought his gaze to the paper once again. I am such an idiot... why did I do that!? Ugh...

I brought my attention back to the music and zoned out for the rest of the ride. Eventually, the subway came to a stop. Just like every morning, the dark haired boy, the teenagers, and only a few others got off with me.

They all walked off. I had no intention of seeing where each of them went since I had my own places to be. Once again, the music drowned out my footsteps as I walked up the stairs. The morning sun shined bright. Oh geez...

My hands went over my eyes as they adjusted to the brightness after being in the dark underground. Finally, I began my short walk to work. Lu's imports shop... not too busy this morning... I guess it is just after seven...

"Good morning!" My boss and friend greeted as I stepped inside the cutesy little store. The pastel yellow walls were lined with shelves as displays sat in the middle.

"Morning," I smiled, walking into the back, and setting my things down.

"It's quite nice out today..." She said.

"Yeah, the sun's out," I spoke, walking back into the store behind the counter, "Has anyone come in at all?"

"No, not really," She said, "We did get a shipment in."

"Oh really?" I asked as she walked into the back, "From where?"

"Japan, we got some snacks and plushies," She came back in with the box, "And you get to restock." She handed me the box.

"Great..." I took the box and did as told, "Aw, look at this one." I showed her a little dog plushie. She smiled.

"Aww..." Just then, a few customers came in. I just kept to my job as they walked around the shop.

"Cute little shop you got here..." I heard from a male voice. My head turned.

We don't get guys here very often... usually girls... or guys buying for girls... of course guys are allowed to shop here... it just doesn't happen often... that's all...

"Thanks, is there anything I can help you with?" Lu asked. The guy sent a short look my way, he had dark spiked hair and a piercing at the lip and eyebrow. Everything about him just radiated punk energy. His gaze then went back to Lu.

"Yeah, is there anyway I could get your number?" He asked her. She immediately smiled and got all nervous. I rolled my eyes and went back to my job.

Of course... they're always after her... been like that since high school... I couldn't imagine what it must be like...

"Uhm, I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend..." she does not...

"Ah..." He looked down to the counter.

"But, Y/n's single!" She pointed to me, I sent a look.

"Nah, she scares me. Thanks anyways..." And he left with his group. Lu just laughed.

"Wow..." I spoke, "I've never been so honored yet so disappointed at the same time..."

"That was great..." She finally calmed down.

"How come you said no to him? You don't have a boyfriend..."

"I'm not really into the whole punk scene..."

"Really?" She shook her head.

"Never been my thing. Are you?"

"Yeah, not too much, but it's pretty fun. I haven't gone to a show in awhile, though." She hummed. I finished restocking and put the box away.

"What time is it?"

"Almost noon..."

"Mkay, I'll stay here while you have your break. I'll take one after you." I nodded, and did so. I hope we're not too busy the rest of the day... I'm so tired... always tired on work days... ugh...

Hello hello! I have a new book! I didn't think I'd finish the first chapter so fast but here we are! This book will basically be my one shot that I wrote (called the subway). Obviously I'm gonna add more detail and things so it's not just a chapter or two long, however I'm thinking this book will probably be around 10 chapters maybe more maybe less. Just a shorter one like hey angel face was. So yeah. Have a great day~peace out cheesebags

Subwayजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें