Epilogue - Anemone

Start from the beginning

"You sound like his mom right now, Charlie." Jack laughed, watching her posture loosen and her eyes lose that nervous glint. "I wouldn't dream of doing that. I promise I'll be good to him."

Charlie cracked a smile, something that had been long considered impossible to her.

"He'll love every second he spends with you. I just know it."

"I'm going to die."

Dave's hands had been shaking ever since the day started, not out of fear for once in his life. He was honestly surprised he didn't explode on the way to the cathedral.

"Your majesty, you'll be okay," Steven said, patting the king on the back. "He's probably just as nervous as you are right now, if not more. He's getting married to a king!"

"I know, I know," Dave replied, wiping a few tears from his eyes. "I'm just really excited..."

Steven gave him a nod of understanding, toying with the rings that sat on the pillow he had been holding for god knows how long.

"I haven't ever seen Jack so happy until today, your majesty." Steven remarked. He looked like he was beginning to tear up, though the reason was unknown. "He looked like he could barely keep his composure."

Dave smiled, grip tightening on the fur lining of the cape he'd received the day of his coronation. It was several times bigger than him, and was almost large enough to be considered a blanket.

"Do you think I'll be good enough for him?"

Steven rolled his eyes with a chuckle. "He wouldn't be marrying you if he thought you wouldn't be, your majesty."

The doors burst open, and in ran Charlie, who had tripped quite a few times down the isle over her long, flowing white gown. She stopped at Dave's side, grasping at his coat with shaking hands for any form of bracing.

"I've been running so much today oh my god..." She stammered, words jumbled together with barely any pauses. She laughed in spite of her breath shortage, and stabilized herself after a few seconds. "How are ya feeling, Davey?"

"Don't call me that." Dave cringed, but he'd be lying if he said the name didn't make him giggle a bit. "I feel like I'm about to, I don't know, explode?"

"It's okay, Dave," She reached out for the boutonniere pinned to his vest and straightened it out a little bit, being careful with the cornflower petals. "He's just as antsy as you right now. And, remember what I told you?"

"Don't focus on anyone but him?"

With a smile, Charlie nodded, letting go of the flower and moving off to the side, giving the king a playful wink as the cathedral door opened.

The organs began to play as Peter walked Jack down the aisle, followed by Dee, who was scattering flower petals down the middle of the aisle. The further the trio walked, the more eyes became fixated on them, to which they all simply waved.

Finally, Peter let go of Jack's arm as they reached the altar, wiping a few tears from his eyes and leading Dee to the side, where the rest of their little "family" was standing. Jack smiled and waved to them, before stepping up to face Dave, slack jawed and wide eyed.

"You're..." Dave stammered, any hint of coherency thrown out the window within a mere second of looking at his fiancé. Jack seemed to take the hint, taking one of his hands and holding it tight.

"I could say the same to you."

Both of them knew they could go on forever, but it wasn't anything that couldn't wait until after they were officially wed.

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