Chapter Five - Viscarias

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The ballroom was positively packed.

The royal ball was one of the biggest events in Bakersfield, one that absolutely nobody could or would miss out on. The food was divine, professional orchestra and piano players were present, creating melodies that made the heart cry, and it was an opportunity to be inside the palace, an offer nobody could pass up.

Hundreds of townsfolk, all dressed in their most expensive gowns and suits, were stood chatting near buffet tables with full glasses of champagne, dancing to the tunes coming from the pianist and violinists, or sitting on the balcony to escape some of the noise.

Jack, Peter, and Dee were a part of the latter group.

Dee spun around in her black, puffy gown, giggling at how it moved, while Jack was leaned against the balcony ledge, chatting with Peter. The two were in awfully high-end suits, especially for people of their class, but the money Jack had received the day prior was enough to land them in some of the most luxurious boutiques in the town.

"The garden looks great, Jack!" Peter commented, pointing out to the spot. Despite having arrived not long ago, he already seemed slightly tipsy.

"It looks the same, Peter." Jack chuckled, taking a sip from his champagne glass. "The alcohol's already getting to your head, huh?"

Admittedly, the garden did look better than it did before Jack started working for Henry, but he wasn't modest enough to say it out loud.

"You get to work here..." Dee marveled, and even though her mask was on, Jack would tell her eyes were sparkling with curiosity and wonder. "It looks so cool!"

"Sure is," Jack replied, setting his glass onto the marble railing. "It even has a whole section for roses, and they have your favorites!"

Dee gasped, bringing her hands up to the mouth of her mask as if to indicate shock. "White ones?!"

Jack nodded with a grin, which grew when Dee began to hop up and down in excitement. Such mundane things could make people so happy.

Especially when that person had barely received a chance to be so joyful.

Too loud, too crowded, too bright.

Dave sat out on a balcony overlooking the entrance to the castle, citizens still flooding in from the village.

His mulberry colored shoulder robe fluttered in the cold breeze, and Dave could tell that the wind would end up ruining his hair that he had spent so long styling just for this occasion. He laid his elbows on the balcony and put his head on his hand, using the other to wave at the villagers who had waved at him from below.

He wanted the night to just end already. People were jumping at any chances they had to even breathe the same air as him, even though it was obvious that he didn't want to be around anyone at the moment.

"William, why aren't you inside?"

Henry's voice made Dave leap out of his skin, and he whipped his head to the side to look at his father.

"I— I wanted to take a break," Dave stammered, feeling his chest tighten as Henry made his way towards him, despite nothing having provoked him.

"From what?" Henry asked, standing next to his son and looking down to everyone.

Meet Me in the Garden (DSAF royal AU)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum