Chapter Six - Ambrosias

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A few days had passed since the ball, and Dave's feelings towards the entire situation hadn't let up; if anything, they grew more intense.

Every night since the ball, Dave had had dream after dream of a future with Jack; a future where they ruled together, a future where Dave abandoned his life of luxury to be with his love, a future where they lived in domestic bliss.

As much as he enjoyed the dreams, they also terrified him. He'd never experienced or felt anything even resembling love, so the amount of feelings and questions he knew he wouldn't get answers to caused him his fair share of anxiety.

And the only thing that scared him more than the thought of leaving a permanent negative mark on his relationship with Jack was the idea of his father finding out.

Dave knew Henry's views. He knew he'd probably be as good as dead if he ever admitted his sexuality. Henry already hated him enough, but at least he still cared enough to let Dave live under the same roof. This would be the straw that broke the camels back.

During the few days following the ball, Dave had noticed that Jack was acting differently than normal. Out of the corner of his eye, Dave would catch Jack looking at him with something in his eyes. He would make excuses to be physical, like "There's something in your hair", or "You've got something on your face". Jack had even hugged Dave once, and kept his arms wrapped around the prince for much longer than someone with purely platonic intent would, not that Dave minded.

No matter how much Dave wanted to believe it was something more, those ever so familiar doubts would always be there. "Why would he love someone like you", "People like you don't deserve to be loved", and "The townsfolk will have your head for this" were only a handful of the thoughts that infested his mind.

As per usual, Dave believed those thoughts were the truth.

It was a warm Tuesday afternoon, and Dave was standing in the rock garden, rocking back and forth on his feet while he waited for Jack, who was supposed to meet with him about ten minutes ago.

He was beginning to grow concerned; the previous day, Dave had accidentally gotten too close for comfort, and he was worried that he may have scared Jack off.


The familiar voice made Dave's face light up and all of his previous worries dissipate, and he looked to the side to see his friend, speed walking towards him, holding something behind his back. From the looks of things, Jack had run here from the opposite side of the garden.

"Hello there, Jack!" Dave waved his hands happily, peeking at the thing Jack still had behind his back. "What do you have there?"

Jack smiled, before pulling out a large assortment of flowers, wrapped together with a purple, silk bow at the stems. "These are for you! Thought you'd like these."

"I... Jack, thank you!" Dave exclaimed, taking the bouquet from the gardener's hands. Their hands brushed together for a brief moment, making Dave's heart race. "These are so nice, I really don't know what to say..."

Jack scratched the back of his head bashfully. "It's nothing, just a gift for a dear friend, you know."

'Friend' had stung more than he liked to admit, but Dave kept his smile as genuine as he could for his dearest gardener.

"Would you mind telling me what these flowers say?" Dave asked, holding the bouquet closer to his chest.

"I..." Jack seemed a little uncomfortable with the question, shown by his lack of eye contact, as well as his face growing ever redder. "I'll leave you to find out on your own."

Meet Me in the Garden (DSAF royal AU)Where stories live. Discover now