Chapter Nine - Cyclamen

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Dave didn't even flinch when his door opened, or when Charlie greeted him, or when she sat on the side of his bed.

"Henry is... really pissed."

Dave curled up under his blankets even more, which had become stained with both tears and blood that had been shed during the past few hours. He was certain that once he saw himself in the vanity mirror, he'd be unable to recognize his own face.

Charlie twirled a strand of her hair absentmindedly.

"I don't know what exactly he's planning, but..." She began, voice low, but still audible. "I don't think he's going to leave Jack unpunished."

"... stop."

The word was simple, but it sent a cold chill throughout Charlie's entire body.

"I don't want to hear about him right now." Dave mumbled, the tears already back into his voice.

A couple minutes passed without a word from either of the two, the only sounds in the room being Dave's shaky exhales and whimpers, the sound of wind pressing against the window pane, and Charlie's shifting position on the bed.

When Charlie looked back at Dave, he had lowered his blanket from his chin so his head was just barely peeking out, and his eyes seemed to be fixated on the window, then the closet, then back to the window.

"... your highness?"

Dave tossed the bedsheets off of himself and marched to the closet, slamming the wooden doors open and beginning to pull out multiple linen sheets. Charlie was confused at first, but then it dawned on her what he was doing.

"William, what the hell are you thinking?!" He had already opened the bay window and tied multiple sheets together, enough to get down at least two stories from his room.

"Taking things into my own hands." He replied, tying the last few knots together and slinging it out of the window. "I've gotta get Jack somewhere safe."

"Your highness, stop that right now!" Charlie stammered, locking the bedroom door and rushing up to Dave in an attempt to stop him. She grabbed hold of his arm, and didn't let go even as he pushed his elbow into her sides. "You're only getting yourself into more trouble!"

"Am I acting like I care?" Dave growled, lowering the makeshift linen rope down until it was hung just above a freshly trimmed bush.

"No, and that's the problem!" Charlie shouted, although being careful about her volume, Henry could be there at any given time.

With a particularly forceful shove, Dave knocked her back to the floor, almost dropping the cloth in the process.

"I don't want to sit here doing nothing," He snapped, whipping his head around, the look on his face one of frustration. "You of all people would know how Henry punishes people."

Charlie's brows furrowed, and her fists balled up. This seemed to happen unconsciously, as when she saw Dave's horrified face, her fists loosened and her face softened again, and moved her hands behind her back.

"I want to help you, William," Charlie explained, picking at the skin on her fingers behind her back. "But you're risking both you and Jack's lives by going out there!"

Looking back to the rope, then to Charlie, then the rope once more, Dave sucked in a breath.

"If you wanted to help me, you'd let me go."

No response, but Dave could see the refusal in her eyes.

"Charlie, please, let me go." He pleaded, putting a hand on his chest. "Jack has to know what's coming. I promise I'll come back, just... give me a few days."

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