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Ella yawned.

Her eyes grew heavy, their constant droop suggested her current fatigue.

The morning light shattered through a broken window on the palace wall, it's littered glass laid beneath it.

Ella clicked her tongue as she passed by it,

What was all the Palace treasure for if they couldn't even fix a broken window?

The winter breeze flew by her, licking her bare arms, a tingle crawled down her spine.

Even though it was unladylike, Ella couldn't care less for her clothing appeal.

She woke up to a pair of dark sleeveless shirt and pants hanging in her cupboard and without a thought, Ella put them on.

Her mind spun trying to get a hold of her surroundings as she strolled around the archery field, dragging her boots along the hard, muddy floor against her will, and her wooden longbow was slung across her body diagonally.

The feeling of grogginess wasn't new to her, she knew what it felt like as if half her brain had numbed out, and any flicking moment of thought crossing it felt like an eternity.

But this time,

This time the feeling was far more dreadful than any of her previous missed hours of slumber.

Ella slid off her longbow and stood a few feet across from a roughly painted shooting target, she lifted her hand and reached for the arrows in the leather-stand placed under the shadow of a lush green tree.

She keenly examined the metallic pointy arrows clutched in her palm.

She should have slept for a longer time.

Her hand carefully balanced one of the sharp arrows between the wooden bow and its string.

She "could" have slept for a longer time.

If the palace halls weren't choked in mass screams and squeals from the maids and the royal guards, that is.

The loud yells and the cries for help had woken her up even before the crack of dawn.

Ella had cursed and muttered all sorts of profanities in her heart as she flipped off her warm bed to check up on the mess.

Whatever all that chaos was for better be something really important or else she was going to leave heads hanging.

She aimed the arrow at the shooting target and closed one of her eyes for finer focus.

As much as Ella wanted to run her blade on the neck of every person who had shouted leading to her disturbed sleep and hang them by the Palace's front door as promised, she couldn't.

Because whatever all that chaos was for did end up being important.

Really important.

Queen Isadora's white nightgown was covered in a glossy, crimson fluid chest to toe.

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