???. ∕︎ secret santa (oneshot)

Start from the beginning

Lucy instantly flustered up as the redness spread to her ears, "I-I-I'm not!!" She covered her face embarrassed as you laughed with a slight blush.

"Sorry, Natsu's cute and all but I'm looking forward to little Nalu babies running around." You giggled.

"Everyone take a piece of paper from this hat and don't share who you got!" Mirajane announced with that beautiful and cheerful smile of hers.

You sighed and took a piece of paper out of the hat and unfolded it as you sighed loudly.


After about an hour of traveling I reached the guild of the two dragon slayers I simply couldn't do anything without- mostly because they did all the work I was too lazy for. BUT! I had good reasons, I was saving my strength for a better time!

You lifted up the ring and slammed it down many times, it was very fun to do and annoyed Rogue very much.

Speaking of Rogue, the dark haired male opened the door with an annoyed growl as he announced; "Sting! (Y/N) needs our help to bury a body again!"

"That's not the only reason I come here!" You folded your arms and pouted at him. You could see Orga and Ruffus drinking and talking not so far away from ear-shot, Orga raised his beer mug with a genuine wife smile as he shouted; "I wonder the reason you don't take us on any of your 'burying a dead body' missions, instead you take the pretty boys!" He joked.

"Maybe she can't afford to take someone with such strong magic power... so she settles for what she can find." Ruffus comments making me giggle.

"Hey hey hey be nice to each other!" Yukino scolded as she laughed a little.

"Yukino-Sama have you seen blondie anywhereeee~" You said in a flirtatious voice as her hugged her gently.

"U-Um he should be in his office I think.." She said a little confused and a little flustered.

"Thank you Yukiii~" You said kissing her cheek and walking to Stings office.

"Yukino-Sama? Yuki?" Ruffus asked in also confusion.

"(Y/N) the flirt in action." Orga rolled his eyes.

You arrived at Sting's office and opened the door without bothering to knock, you saw he was sleeping cutely on his huge piles of paper-work that he clearly hasn't done. Being master of a guild had its tolls you guess. He was sleeping so adorably and you couldn't help but smile- for a quick second before you poked his cheek with a pencil causing him to wake up slowly. "Get your shit we're leaving." You said bluntly.

"Goodmorning (Y/N)-" Sting mocked.


"Come back alive- or don't just bring back their bodies." Minerva waved to us as he left.

"She's so blunt sometimes I can't tell if she's joking for not.." Lector pouted.

You laughed nervously and patted his head, "Just joking buddy, I guess Minerva has a little dark humor."

"M'lady is sweet and harsh at times, she's a lot more sweet though and she knows how to have fun!" Sting giggles.

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