STING. ∕︎ common criminal (oneshot)

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[ Second Person POV ]
(p/n) = pet's name.

The water felt colder than ever before, freezing your feet inside the fabric of your now soaked socks and shoes. You sat under a tree, in the pouring rain as you hid from the beasts in the forest. You had been on your own since your father disappeared three days ago, in the year x777.

To think about why he left, made your brain hurt. The truth is, he left without reason - and without word as well. You were a child, being abandoned by the only person you knew as a parent. You wondered, searching for weeks before giving up.

"Hey! Get back here!" The street baker chased after you as you ran from him carrying a loaf of bread in your arms. It's been two years since you were left on your own, you'd stolen from others to survive. As you felt bad, it still didn't stop you.

You ran out of breath, hiding behind a wall around the corner as the baker ran past you with a wooden stick. You breathed a sigh in relief, before seeing a wounded animal curled up a few feet away from you.

It was bleeding from it's stomach, you couldn't really make out if it was a kitten, or maybe some type of garbage rat. Either way, you tore a piece of the dirt stained white fabric from your dress and tied it around the animal's wound.

"Here, have some of this." You whispered, breaking off a piece of the bread you had stolen. "I'm sorry.. I wish I could do more." You said under your breath. The animal crawled into your lap, cozying up into the warmth as the bleeding had lessened.

You ran your hand down it's back, softly patting the creature as you hummed a soft song - a song your father used to sing to you before bed. Maybe this animal was abandoned too. It wasn't very big, so you had to guess it's mother had abandoned it while it was young.

While you felt bad, you also realized that you weren't alone anymore. You had a friend, even if it wasn't human. For years you spent traveling, working and loving together, you've made a life together as partners. You even build a small place you could call home together. And even if it was small. You were still happy. "

I guess I should give you a name soon..." You wondered as you rested your head on your hands. Your stomach growled for the second time today, you realized you didn't have anymore food left from what you had either stolen from people or collected from the forest. "Let's get going."

(P/n) hopped onto your shoulder as you walked through the streets of the town, eyeing any fruit stands or seafood stands you saw while you mindlessly listened to the chatter of the towns people around you.

"You hear about the grand magic games this year? Fairy Tail's gonna be competing again."

"You serious? They've come in dead last every year, just disband already it's so embarrassing."

"Exactly, makes me wonder why they even still try, it's obvious Sabertooth's gonna claim the title again this year."

"I'm not so sure, Lamia Scale has their wizard saint Jura competing this year!"

"Oh? Well, 30 million jewel would get them a guild hall in the center of their town for sure. Maybe I should cheer for them this year."

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