STING E. ∕︎ i'm sorry (oneshot)

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[ First Person POV ]

There I was sitting, reading peacefully while my feet rested on the wall and my back lied on my bed along with my head when I heard a knock on the door. Thanks to my dragon hearing I knew it was Sting.

"It's open," I say calmly as he walks in.

"I'm sorry." He apologizes.

"Don't worry about it, I'm joining another guild anyways, one that's actually worth my time, and one that's not hell bent on being number one and acting all high and mighty." I say "Now if that's all you want then get out of apartment."

"It's not... I... the Grand Magic Games is coming up and—"

"—And I'll be with another guild by then."

I still haven't looked at him, I kept my eyes focused on my book while he kept silent for a bit.

"I'm sorry—that we threw you out like that..."

"I don't need your apology... and right now I don't need you so for the last time get out."

"No," He answers finally "I love you I won't leave you like this, I know I have a hard way of showing it but it's true (Y/N) I really really love you."

I closed my book and got up, standing in front of him "If you love me, then why did you hurt me?"

"...As much as I wanted to stand up for you, I couldn't, Master would've kicked me out too..."

"There's the answer—the one that's really behind everything, all you are is a scared wanna be,"

Sting stays silent, I walk over to the door and open it "Leave now," I say.

He looks over to me and walks over, but instead of going to the door and grabs me, he smashes his lips on mine. I take awhile to decide between what was right and what I wanted, and right now I wanted Sting, I really did. I kissed back and held small chucks of his hair in my fingers.

We pulled apart as Sting started to speak, "I really do love you, that's not a lie... I hope in the next guild you join that they treat you with respect and love, but Sabertooth is the home of the strong, we don't have the time or need for love or compassion."

"Yeah... and that's where you will fail—but I... love you too..."

"I'll see you later," He says, placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Bye, Sting..." I say as he walks out.

I close my door and lock it, waking back to my book and laying down on my bed.

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