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Taehyung went to the Miserable Empire’s mansion and his behind the door of Namjoon’s office furtively.
He could hear all the conversation that they were talking about. They were talking about the date; time
that when they do their inoculation. Taehyung memorized these all details in his head and left to the
RJ’s Empire.
“Sir, I got know everything about them. They are going to inoculate our mansion!” Taehyung said.
“When?” Seokjin asked.
“Today! At 4.30p.m.! So, now we have to start our activities!” Taehyung said.
“Don’t be previous! It’s a normal thing! Now, I am going to sleep now! OK?” Jin asked.
“But, sir our mansion?” Jimin asked.
“We have to accept them happily!” Seokjin said and went to his bedroom.
“What happened to our boss?” Jimin asked from Taehyung.
“I don’t know!” Taehyung said.
“I want to go now!” Jimin said.
“Where?” Taehyung asked.
“To take a look for Jungkook!” Jimin said shyly.
“Wow Jimin! You are changed! Do you fall in love with someone or else?” Taehyung asked from Jimin.
“Are you crazy man? I am an underworld person! So, anyone can’t get my attention!” Jimin said proudly.
“Don’t tell lies! Underworld people also have minds! Jungkook is so much pretty and handsome for you!
Go, go! Go and take a look for him!” Taehyung said.
Then, Jimin went to Jungkook’s room but, Jungkook was fallen a deep sleep.
“Oh… Poor boy! If he knows an underworld person is fall in love with him? What will he do? He can’t do
anything because he is a prison!” Jimin cried from his mind. Then he corrected Jungkook’s blanket and
left from the room.
Then, Jimin went to the living room. There was Taehyung too.
“Did you sleep with Jungkook? Uh…?” Taehyung laughed and asked from Jimin.
“What did you…” Jimin couldn’t finish his sentence because they heard a big noise. So, they both were
gone to the up floor corridor for watch the situation. They saw the Miserable’s crew. It was a big crowd.

MAD LOVE [JIKOOK] [Completed✔]Where stories live. Discover now