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However, the RJ’s crew was won the battle. Then, the Miserable crew left from the RJ’s mansion.
Next day, Jungkook got know about the fight and about the Jimin’s wound. So, Jungkook got sad about
that and he wanted to go out of the room and know about the Jimin’s situation. So, He got out of the room and walked to the kitchen furtively. Then, he saw Jimin and he was eating a hot noodles. His right
shoulder was completely wrapped by a bandage. Jungkook got sad about that. Jimin heard something.
Next moment, Jimin threw a knife where he could hear the sound. The knife was went fast closely to the
Jungkook’s neck and placed on the wall.
“What the hell you did?” Jungkook shocked and screamed.
“Are you crazy man? If your aim got wrong! I have got die either… YOU PUNK!” Jungkook said angrily.
“Where were you going? Uh…?” Jimin asked calmly.
“Nothing… I am going now!” Jungkook said and slowly left the room.
But they didn’t know Jungkook and Jimin were fallen in love with each other.
While these scenes, Seokjin decided to know every detail about Miserable Empire. So, he thought about
that a lot. Then, he decided to use Taehyung for that. Then, he gave some advices to Taehyung and
aspect him like an old man.

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