Chapter 14: "Fluffy ducky."

Start from the beginning

"Shut it." I said returning back to the previous question. "So you'd seriously just peace out from the face of the world."

"Rio and Tokyo did it." She said in an amused voice, I chuckled at her answer.

"Fictional characters. Also they were on the run for robbing that bank, you aren't." I said as she continued to entertain the topic, considering we had nothing better to do.

"Babe, I have to confess to you... I didn't win the lottery... I robbed a bank." She said dramatically, making me roll my eyes.

"Well as long as I'm invited, we can have your loner island."

"Hey with that much money I bet I could turn the "loner island" into the dopest place." She said picturing it in her head. "And no assholes there to ruin my fun?! Damn I wish I had 30 million now." I chuckled at her stupid response.

"Sounds fun... not at all like Cast Away, except rich." I joked, resting my feet on the dash.

"Hey! Get ur feet down missy." She ordered, shooting a stern glare my way. I giggled as I did what I was told.

"At least put some good music on."


"We're here."

I almost leaped up in joy, as my eyes soaked up the rural scenery.

"Where are we?" I asked taking in the natural scenery that stretched on for miles, leaving us seemingly in the middle of nowhere. A large lake stood out in the distance, along with little homey looking cabins sprinkled around.

"My family used to come down here a lot," Casey said opening the trunk and grabbing the basket "I thought we could have a picnic near the lake, I know it's a little chilly so afterwards maybe we could go up to my dads cabin and warm up if it gets too cold?" She said walking up besides me.

"That's perfect." I whisper taken aback by the serene setting, tall bristly looking trees surrounded the enclosed space. Giving a cozy vibe to the secluded area, the still lake homed quite a few ducks here and there. That's when the two spotted about a dozen baby ducks, padding after their mother.

"Oh my god!" I squealed running after them, though their mother wasn't too impressed.

"Iz, don't scare them." Casey laughed at the now hissing mother duck, who was now guarding her babies.

"Damn, chill woman." I said backing up, causing Casey to laugh hysterically. The mother duck guided her ducklings to the lake, swimming off rather urgently trying to get away from me.

"I always liked this view." Casey said looking out to the landscape, if it wasn't for the sparse cabins I would have assumed it was human-free.

"I like my view better." I say biting my lip, as I look right at my beautiful girlfriend.

"Your such a cheese ball." She said hitting my arm, I frowned and feigned upset until she wrapped her arms around me placing sloppy kisses on my cheeks until I would laugh.

"Stoooooooop," I cried out trying to escape her vice grip, she only held me tighter and stretched the kissed out to my neck and collarbones. Eventually I gave in and giggled, as she also began tickling my sides. "Please." I gave her a kiss back and she pulled away, to place one last kiss on my nose and smiling at the way I scrunched it up.

"Come on." She said picking up the basket, and holding her hand out for me to grab. Which I did happily, she lead me down to a little patch of land neighbouring a little creek that connected to the big lake.

As Casey sat down, she opened up the basket and revealed a large blanket. Once we laid out the blanket, and got comfy my belly growled. Casey raised an eyebrow at me, making blush embarrassed.

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