Chapter 6. Exam's

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It's been 3 months since the Nomu attack with Stain in it. After Iida and Izuku returned back to the dorm, they got an earfull from Aizawa, also alot of extra work, and were warned. Aizawa had heard about them and Stain, and how they fought without having a license, so he was certain now that they had to get a license as soon as possible.

the following 3 months have been quite from the villain's side. There haven't been anymore attacks, and the league of villains has been quiet so far aswell. Then again, this came at a good time since it meant that the students could focus on their training.

Today it was time for the license exam. Normally second and third years would try for a license, however this time around, class 1a would also try for a license. They have been in a villain attack before, and Izuku and Iida just showed that they were going to jump in if needed hero license or not. So the best way was to get them ready for it.

This meant that Aizawa took them through hell to improve enough for the license exam. Luckily everyone endured it, and it was time to see if it was going to be enough. "Alright we're here" Aizawa said as they all got off the bus with their suitcases for their hero suits.

Everyone got off the bus and stood infront of the giant arena where the sports festival would be held. "What if i don't make it!?" Mineta asked afraid. "Then you'll just try again, don't think you won't make it, make sure you'll make it through and get that license" Aizawa stated. "And if you need more motivation, i can Always give you more of that training if you aren't ready yet" he added. Mineta became completely pale after hearing that.

(i'm going to skip the first round, cause the ball throw thingy isn't really something i can make interesting sorry)

After class 1A made it thorugh the first round of the license exam, it was time for the second round. Their class and alot of other students were standing in the waiting area when they were asked to look at a screen. When they looked, they saw that buildings were exploding in the fake city, aswell as explosions on the other parts and so called injured people.

Everyone was asked to start round 2 which would be a rescue round. They all headed in when Izuku found a boy crying who had blood on his head. He asked questions about the condition, if he felt anything else and if he could walk which wasn't the case. He lifted the boy up and brought him to the first aid station.

Once there, one of the nurses in training ran up to him to check on the boy as Izuku explained what the boy told him and what he discovered. Then, suddenly a wall broke down and gang Orca showed up with his men.

Gang Orca was the current number 10 hero, and was also in the top 5 for heroes who looked like villains, so he fits the role perfectly. "Tell me, wannabe heroes, are you going to protect? are you going to rescue? or will you runaway? which will it be!? "Gang Orca shouted from the entrance he made.

He was still quite a distance away from the first aid station however Gang Orca and his man came running for it when they noticed it. Izuku casually walked forward. "Bring the injured to safety!" Izuku said. "what about you?" the nurse in training asked. "I'll hold them back, just hurry up" Izuku stated.

"just 1 gaurd? are you underestimating me?" Gang Orca asked as he closed in. "I hope you aren't over estimating yourself" Izuku stated as he placed his hands on the ground. "Burning sea" he stated as a wave of flames shot up from the ground which launched forward towards Gang Orca and his men. They were surprsied by this attack since they didn't expect it.

Gang Orca used his sonic waves to break through it, and it worked, however directly behind Gang Orca it reformed again and was going for his men. Gang Orca looked behind him and saw the move crash into his man. it knocked them down, however it wasn't enough to keep them down.

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