Chapter II

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Late For School


As I wake from my slumber, I am on the floor. Did I fall out of my bed? Why can't I see anything? As I look around me, I have a view of nothing, but a grey fog that begins to surround me as I stand up. My shirt is black as are my pants and sneakers. I don't remember putting a shirt on or getting out of bed. I try to spot anything familiar as I attempt to figure out where I am. I look to my left and then to my right. No luck as all I see is this fog that allows my sight to be very limited. The floor feels moist and damp like a sewer or maybe even a cave.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I ask as I stand in fear staring into this thick fog that forms more and more at a slow pace before my very eyes as my questions echo throughout the pitch black darkness.

Did I sleep walk here? Is this really a cave of some sorts? Where am I? It is extremely hard to find anything or to even tell the setting of this place. It is too big to be my basement and too small to be the woods, where I go to with my friends when we hang out in the summer when the weather is nice. The climate in here is different than the woods or my basement. This area I'm in feels arctic as I can see my own breath, but my body is warm. How can this be? Where the hell am I? I am no longer able to see the ground. In fact, the entire blackness I once saw through the fog is now a shade of grey. This makes me feel partially better, because being in the dark was very weird and now I can see whatever is close to me, but in this fog I know nothing can get to me, but then again I can't tell where anyone or anything is. I am frightened by this, because now I feel as if I'm not alone. I can't even spot something two feet away from me. This looks really bad as I now have the strangest suspicion that now, not only am I not alone, but I fear that I am being watched. That someone or something's eyes are staring at me from afar. That this being is just waiting from a distance to do whatever it intends on doing to me at any opportunity, but he wants to see me squirm first. I think of this and in my fear I begin to walk into the fog. As I move further into this dark cloud that should be over my head and not in my eyes, I notice that it has been moving with me. That the more I move I can only see two feet in front of me at all times. If I were to move backwards, the fog would follow me as if the fog doesn't want me to see at all and as if the fog has a mind of its own.  Maybe it isn't the fog that doesn't want me to see, but rather something controlling it. The endless, I step on a very round item on the floor. If I push my foot in any direction it could roll into the fog and out of my reach and out of my sight, so I slowly move my foot and kneel down to find out what it is. One of my hands touches the surface and the feeling of the wet surface runs through the palm of my hand and makes me feel uneasy. I see some sort of object on the ground, but it is hard to tell exactly what it is because of the fog. I slowly go for whatever is on the floor as my fear runs through my body. This could be a snake that could bite me once and I'd be dead or it could be a lever that could open a trapdoor and lead me to my doom. While I find the courage to feel the item, I notice that it is round, circular, made of hard material, possibly steel, and has a small button on it. Dare I press the button? I inch my finger closer and closer towards the button. I put my hand over my face and press the button as I begin to have heart palpitations. Just then a beam of light shoots out towards the ground. I remove my hand from my face and I pick the item up. It is a flashlight. I let out a big sigh of relief and pressed my heart to feel how fast it was racing. I could not have been any happier to have found a flashlight as I wipe the sweat from my forehead. I begin to point the flashlight in all the directions to see if there is anyone or anything there, however it appears that I am alone for the moment. I start to walk around to see if I can find a way out of this place. Like a ladder or a staircase or anything at this point. Every step I take in this confusing and petrifying place, the tension increases, my fear grows to heights I never thought could ever reach, and the thought if I will ever go home races through my brain like rapid fire. I finally take a good look into the distance and find a door. This didn't look like any regular door that you would find in an unfamiliar place, but it looked like my door. The natural grain wood, the Skrillex poster, my keep out sign, and my skull and cross bone poster that says "Do Not Disturb" are all on this door. This is clearly my bedroom door, but why is it here? In this strange place? Who put this here? Where does it lead? All these questions race through my brain at the same time but one question I should answer is: Will I open the door? I stare at my brass doorknob for a few seconds I wonder if I have the courage to open this and the answer is obvious: I don't. I doubt that I am brave enough to walk through, but I have to try something in order to get out of this eerie place. Any chance at getting home I will take, no matter how scared I am. I slowly reach for the door and grasp the doorknob as I turn it slowly to unfold what fate has in store for me. I notice right away that there is a pool of blood at my feet. It is smeared on the wall, on my bed, and all over the entire room. The door is now wide open now as I stand there staring into my room panting and afraid for my life. I begin to stand inside my hallway. How did I even get here? How did I get from my bed, to a dark area that I can't describe, all the way to the outside of my bedroom without opening my door? I can now see that the blood is out here as well and is trailing from my mother's room. I shut my bedroom door and I slowly open the door that leads to my mom's room. I have no idea if she is even in here, but I am acting without processing any thoughts, because anything is possible at this point and that is why I am afraid the most. Who knows what lies behind this door? My mother could be in the room or not in her room. She could be awake outside the house or likely asleep at this hour, but I fear for the worse. She could be alive but in pain or dead. I hate to think of that, but after seeing my room filled with blood, I don't know what to think anymore. My mind is full of fear, and to think that I was brave to go home was foolish. I came to this? This hell? I returned to a complete and utter massacre. This cannot be happening as I peak inside my mother's bed room. It's hard to see so I open the door wider without looking. Lifting my head up and opening my eyes I get the worst possible visual and the thing I feared the most. There is a crimson pool of blood on my mother's wooden floor! There is more blood in here than there was in my room! It is as if the Red Sea poured inside my mother's room or if the elevator from The Shining opened up in here. Either way, it looks just as terrifying as my room. There is something out of place about this room though: Where is my mom?

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