Chapter VII

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The Wait

A few weeks go by and I have fully isolated myself for Winter break because I was too depressed to see my friends. I stayed in my house for weeks as I am sitting in my room; watching the rain go down my window. I have to find out what this being is and what it wants. My only goal is to find out why I have these nightmares and I am willing to do anything in order to find an answer. I have searched all over Google, I deactivated my Facebook and ignored text messages. Most of my texts were from Michelle anyway. Nothing too important. I could not let any distractions get in my way of figuring out the truth behind all of this. I even attempted to visit the psychic, Madame Klemmik, for answers. Her parlor is across the street from the convenient store. If you have ever seen a psychic place in a movie before, then you have probably seen Madame Klemmik’s Psychic Reading’s once in your life. Yes, it says that on a big window and below the name of the place is a gigantic hand with an eye on the palm. Very unoriginal and very cliché. The second she touched my hand to read my palm, she got terrified and kicked me out of her establishment almost immediately. Weirdest part was she didn’t even bother to ask for any compensation. Madame Klemmik locked her door and flipped the open sign so it said “Closed”. If she, a clichéd psychic who also looks like a gypsy cannot help me then either I am going completely insane or something seriously dreadful is happening. It cannot be a coincidence that the same being is haunting me in my dreams. Every single nightmare I have had, he is there in some way or another. He has to be behind them all, but why? The pills Derrick gave me are helping me. I’m getting a better sleep pattern which is an upside. However, the problem is the nightmares keep coming. My nightmares are getting worse too. I have them every single night. It has come to the point where I don’t even bother waking up sweaty and panting, but rather I just wake up with a blank expression because I have been scared so many times that it doesn’t affect me anymore. The nightmares get scarier and horrifying by each day and yet there has been no sign of this entity. He has been there, but he was always far away. As if, he wanted me to chase after him, but something would hold me back like hundreds of snakes wrapped around my ankles; biting me and making me weaker as the poison rushed through my veins quicker than cancer. Or I’d be stuck in a pool of concrete that would dry up with half of my body stuck inside of it while giants who were so tall I can’t even see their faces would show up and with their massive clubs would strike down on to the concrete repeatedly until I was flat. All sorts of “sticky” situations would come up, but this entity would run away from me like a coward. He promised me answers and I demand answers as the rage boils up inside me. I just want him to come face to face with me and tell me straight up what he wants. These nightmares get too intense sometimes.

I woke up crying on Christmas Eve because in the nightmare Michelle was brutally murdered. I was in the fog and I saw him just standing there. He handed me a knife. A large kitchen knife that looked brand new. This thing would open his arms up and he told me to “do it”. I didn’t want to, but like temptation, he whispered in my ear as if he was a snake. He egged me on. Told me, “It’s either me or your loved ones. Then you. So which will it be?” All the anger I had in me blindly stabbed him. I was drunk with rage as I stabbed him over and over until I was tired. My arm hurt from digging that dagger into his chest so many times. Just then, I would hear the most sinister laugh. As I was in a pool of blood while recovering, I look up to see him… unharmed and smiling down at me as he would walk away; laughing even harder after shaking his head. I would then sit on the floor panting as I wondered to myself. If I didn’t kill him, who did I kill? Just then I heard a faint gasp as the victim laid beside me. It sounded like a woman trying to breathe but she couldn’t. I closed my eyes as the blood was physically and metaphorically on my hands as this thing tricked me to kill someone. Knowing him, it had to be someone I love. I turn over slowly to find my best friend dying. I quickly grab her and hold her. Michelle was wearing a white gown that would have looked amazing on her except it was covered in blood. She died in my arms as she whispered her last words, “Why, Jason why?” as I would cry and begging God that it was a dream. When I eventually woke up, for the first time in a long time, I prayed and thanked God that it was a nightmare. A horrific and awful nightmare that I will never forget. Even though I disconnected myself from my friends, I always kept in touch with Michelle. I can never go a day without talking to her. She knows about my nightmares and comforts me when I feel sad. The night I had that horrific nightmare, I called her and she talked to me from 1:00 a.m. – 4:30 a.m. She is not just my best friend, but she is the greatest friend anyone could ask for and I wouldn’t be here right now if it wasn’t for her, because I have a history with depression and she talked me out of doing things I would regret for the rest of my life. That night would be the end of all of this as I blubbered like a baby to her, yet she didn’t mind. She calmed me down and made me feel better about myself like she always has.

Troubled Soul:The PossessionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora