Chapter XXV

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Thirty minutes later, police squad cars, news station vans, a fire truck, CSI crew, and a large amount of ambulances are all outside my house. It's pandemonium as everyone and their mother are on my street trying to see what happened. I pay them no mind at all I sit in the back of an ambulance as a medical personnel attends to me and Michelle. She gets a head wrap while I have my leg in a splint, my arm is in a sling, and I have a bandage around my shoulder. The different lights from the vehicles flash onto my house and all over. My house is a wreck. My sofa is upside-down in the front lawn, the window it came out of is shattered, there are huge holes all over my house, the living room is a disaster as papers, books, glass, knives, and blood make up the mess, and the kitchen is destroyed too as blood, wood chips and glass are there along with the fire that spread there from the basement. Police have perimeters set up so no news reporter can interview me or anyone, no concerned citizen can contaminate the crime scene and so that no one can see the seven body bags that are in front of my house. The black zip up body bags are in a row. The bag on the farthest side to the left towards the bag to the right of the middle bag are all the victims of prior to tonight. The two bags on the right side contain the body of Clyde Forde, the respected and decorated detective who has been on the force for over twenty years and was planning on retiring later this week, ironically died in the living room. In the last bag is the Demon. Demon's bag looks like it is going to rip open. Demon was a thing who betrayed me and made me believe that it was helping me but all he wanted was to rule the world and he never cared about me. Demon is and will always be a snake. I am glad I sent him to hell. Detective Munson comes over towards me. I already have a bad feeling about this and I feel I am going away for a very long time.

"Hey kid how ya feeling?" he asks me.

"Like hell." I say making Michelle, who has her arms around my good arm, smile a bit because she thought it was funny, but that smile fades quickly.

Munson chuckles a bit.

"Good one kid. I have never seen anything like that before in my life. It's a shame my partner can't be here right now." He says as he looks over at the gurney that has his partner's body bag while it gets loaded into the back of the ambulance. "It looks bad Jason, from what I know you have to go to jail now... However last time I checked you didn't commit the murders yourself. You had a friend who is in the body bag over there kill all those people." He says pointing at the body bag that Demon is in. "Don't worry Jason, you're not going anywhere. You are a brave and noble kid.  We are going to say that the suspect broke into your home, tried to perform some sadistic ritual by killing your friend here, you called the police, we arrived, and the suspect killed Detective Forde with this so I shot him." Munson says as he holds up a large evidence bag containing the knife. Michelle and I hop out of the ambulance and they disperse. "I have already informed your mother and she is still going to be at her sisters and will be home in a few days. Keep your nose clean till then alright kid. You been through hell." Munson gives me some advice as most of the vehicles drive away and as he walks to his car.

Hopefully, he gets some rest after all the hell he has been through. I though he died along with Detective Forde, but the ceiling breaking cushioned the impact and it only knocked him out cold until he grabbed his pistol from his holster and went into the kitchen. Detective Munson is a hero and a role model for all detectives anywhere. As he heads to his car a swarm of cameramen and news reporters swarm him and for the first time in this case he has something to say to them other than "no comment."

As the media outlets and the emergency services disperse, Michelle and I stand on my lawn alone. She is happy that we survived but sees that I am still sad. My expression shows that I am upset which in fact I am.

"Jason, are you okay? What's wrong?" asked Michelle.

"I know I should be happy that I survived. Happy that you and I are okay, but the thing is Michelle... I am not okay. Sure my inner demon is gone, but now what do I have? I have no friends, my mom is probably gonna send me away, my father is in hell, and six people are dead because of me. I lived the last year sad because of the way things were, now I'm sad because I made things worse. Now I have nobody. I even put the girl I love in danger and I can't forgive myself." I say as I look down in anguish facing away from Michelle.

The shame I have in me grows by the second as I realize more and more that all of this is my fault. Suddenly Michelle turns me around and holds me. She puts her hands on my arms and says,"Jason, I'm still here though. You risked your life to safe me and the entire world from an unearthly Armageddon. Yes our friends are dead and the house is a wreck, but you have me and the house is empty last time I checked. Jason, you will always have me and I will never leave you again. If your mother kicks you out, then I will move out and we can live somewhere, anywhere together. Why? Because I love you and you're the best thing to ever happen to me." Michelle says as she kisses me softly on the lips.

"I love you too Michelle. And if my mother doesn't kill me entirely, I'll get a job to pay off the damages and save the rest for a place for me and you."  I say as I have never been this happy before in my life. "Now, as you said there is an empty house right?" I jokingly remark as Michelle laughs as we rush inside to consummate our love... again.

As I walk slowly into my house in pain, I look up into the Independence Day sky. The sun begins to rise as does my happiness. My smile has been found and as long as Michelle is here it shall forever stay on my face. The happy feeling I have is all thanks to her and without her I would not know how this feels. Everything may be gone, but I feel that my everything has returned.


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