Author's Note

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A typical love story but let's add some realistic issue that is currently happening around the world. The pandemic, COVID-19.

I've been having idea of writing a love story in the middle of the pandemic but I'll make it as light as possible. The facts of the pandemic will be shown in the story but I'll try my best to not make it heavy since it's a love story, I'm planning a rom-com theme as of this moment but I don't know how it goes when I write more chapters. So...I hope you guys who are reading this can relate with the situation around the world right now and still can have fun while taking care of yourself.

So, here goes...Married in Lockdown starts now and today 8th February 2021.

*My dear readers,

Stay safe
Stay home (unless you have to go somewhere and can't avoid it)
Wear face mask
Sanitize when necessary
Take care always

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