Chapter 7

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I watch as Hollyspeck fights ferociously against Nightshade. My first reaction was surprise. Now it was utter horror. Hollyspeck had been apart of the band that my sister was leading? Considering how bad my sister was now, how could I trust Hollyspeck? No, I tell myself. Stop being selfish, she probably left because she decided their ways were corrupt! Still, a part of me just wondered, simply wondered.

Hollyspeck does the same move Nightshade did to me; which is blast a big air current with her wings. Nightshade is blown back a little, but had obviously practiced in case she had to battle against a cat who could do that move. She uses her wings to steady herself in flight. Then Hollyspeck uses a move I'd never seen. She starts to what looks like running in circles in the air. When the wind picks up, she uses her wings to thrust the air toward Nightshade. Nightshade looked as if she had never seen a move like that before, and could not dodge the big wind funnel. It appears this is a move that Hollyspeck had made up, or been taught by someone else. Nightshade is swept up in the air current, just as Hollyspeck thrusts her wings downward, causing the air to lurch downward, and causing Nightshade to fall, not in control of anything.

She hits the ground with a sickening thud. Hollyspeck brings her wings in, and allows herself to drop like a stone. Just at the last second she unfurls her wings, and lands lightly. Hollyspeck then quickly stalks toward Nightshade. Nightshade was on the ground, gasping for air, like I had been. When Hollyspeck is right beside Nightshade, she draws her claws out.

"You will suffer for what you did to me!" Hollyspeck growls.

She smacks Nightshade's face with her claws unsheathed, cutting a long gash on Nightshade's cheek. Right when I realized Hollyspeck planned on killing Nightshade, I growl. "That's enough! Get back here Hollyspeck!"

Hollyspeck doesn't back down.

"Hollyspeck!" I yowl. "Remember what the warrior code says! A warrior does not need to kill, unless necessary!"

This time, Hollyspeck turns her head toward me. She has a few wounds from the fight, and there are angry tears in her eyes.

"You don't understand!" Hollyspeck hisses agrily. "This is necessary! Nightshade deserves to die!"

I can see the hurt in her eyes as I reply. "This is not the time. Please, Hollyspeck, come back here. I believe Nightshade learned her lesson."

With a look if regret, Hollyspeck backs down, and starts to walk toward me. Before she does, she exchanges a glance with Nightshade, one that sends an alarming chill through my spine.

"I know now what you call yourselves," I comment. "The Band Of Rogue Shadows. You will fall one day, and will be begging at my feet with forgiveness, sister."

"No, you will be the one begging me for forgiveness and mercy!" Nightshade adds. "You can go! Let the other prisoners go! I just give you one last piece of advice; Watch your back, because if you don't, an unpleasant surprise may arise!"

Some of the guards leave into the cave to release the rest of my patrol. Tempestclaw, Tallfoot, and Firelight appear with a few escorts. They look afraid. I run to them.

"Let's leave right now," I meow. "Nightshade is letting us go."

A look of surprise flashes on Tallfoot's face. "Why? I mean, yes, let's go, but doesn't it seem fishy?"

"Yes, yes, I know," I rush. "We will discuss this at home. For the time being, let's go!"

We walk away with Hollyspeck, whom the other cats in my patrol are surprised to see, without any problems, or delays.

However, Hollyspeck glances back at Nightshade, who holds her gaze. Something was definately going in between them, but for the time being, I couldn't figure out whether it was good...or bad...


Whoo-hoo! Double update today! The heat is rising, so you may need to turn on an air conditioner! Jk, jk, not really. It's cold where I live anyway, so I wouldn't want the a/c on! Please vote if you enjoy this story! I have almost 200 views, which is great, but I would like some more votes please!

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