Chapter 6

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Well, you guys made it to 20 votes, so here you go! The story is back on!


Smokey grinned as she sees my surprise. "I actually go by Nightshade now, but yah, it's me sis! Do you like what I've done with this place?"

Nightshade gestures around at her camp. I feel revolted with what her camp looks like. It has blood stains everywhere, the smell of cat dung, and it is obvious no one cleans the ground. The ground is littered with tufts of fur, showing that there had been at least one fight.

Judging by the looks of these cats, they train for battle right in the middle of camp, and are reckless fighters. It seems they don't use the system of having your claw sheathed while practicing, as many cats that shuffle around camp bear signs of battle, and some were even fighting right then!

Not even trying to be curtious, I snap, "No I do not! It's awful! What happened to you Smo-Nightshade? You used to be a wonderful sister!"

Nightshade stares at me, her eyes blazing with fire. "After you left saying that you wanted to travel the world, life became worse. Those loner cats that lived near us-they attacked me many times. Apparently, they were afraid of attacking 2 winged cats, considering they didn't have wings, but attacking 1 seemed more likely for them to win. After all, there were 4 of them, and 1 of me. I knew they always wanted our territory, just how they interacted with us.

"After a while of abuse from these stupid cats, I attacked them while they were sleeping. I scared them, and even managed to kill that maggot of a cat, Josh," Nightshad smugly grins. "After they left, life became boring. After the adrenaline rush I felt when I attacked them,  I knew I couldn't handle not having similar experiences. I love the rush of the fight! I couldn't handle going back to the boring life we had before.

"I set out, to travel in the same direction that you did, looking for action. I found some loners that were extra touchy about travelers, but after some "persuading", they let me pass through. Eventually, I met up with this group of wild forest cats. I knew I hit the action jackpot when I saw them. Knowing that if I could get inside, I could take over, I asked to join their clan. The pitiful ThunderClan cats were so gullable! They let me in, even gave me the name Nightpaw! They questioned me at first, said I looked like a cat that passed through, and had left only a couple of days ago, said her name was Silverwillow, soon to be Silverstar. I knew that was you, because the name matched up, though I didn't know what the heck the name Silverstar came from, and because of the looks they described. They told me that the cat looked exactly the opposite of me, which is a unique thing about us as sisters, and I knew it was you. They let me join, but only when I revealed I was your sister. Apparently, they welcomed anyone even associated with this mystical Silverstar, who after training and being in then clan for some time, I learned was chosen to be the special one. You were going to be the one to bring WingClan into the world. They viewed you as so noble, I became angry. How dare my sister get a perfect destiny, and be special, and I not?

"After staying in ThunderClan for a while, I became a warrior! Big whoop right? No. They gave me the name Nightshade. I knew my time was drawing near to take them out. Soon, I had a plan, and put it into action. They were totally shocked when I tried killing that maggot, Bramblestar!" I gasp at this. Nightshade tried to kill Bramblestar! "Anyway, they never once told me about the leaders having 9 lives, which was weird because by the looks of it, it was clan standard for an apprentice to learn that! After fighting ruthlessly, they cast me out in shame. They welcomed me, and I backstabbed them. And it was a wonderful feeling!

"I ran about, searching for followers. I knew I had to take care of you now, you left me, and were special! After gaining Ice, a cat who lived here in the mountains as a loner, she told me about you guys, and how you had settled here. I knew I found you, and now, you will die, and I will be the founder of the ultimate WingClan! They will be feared for their fierceness, and respected! I will rule this land, Silverstar, and you will either hand over your clan to me, or you will be punished, hard. What is your decision?"

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