EVEY: Chapter 6

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*The impure's don't stand a chance*

A few weeks after the incident with the impure, Evey was starting to try and mimic some of the characteristics of The Beast much to Dennis's concern.

Evey was running around the house like a wild child, yelling "Ahhhh!" in her little voice.

"Evey, keep the noise down please" Dennis told her sternly.

She laughs and keeps running around.

"Come on Evey your gonna hurt yourself" he told her with a sigh, she hadn't been the same since she met The Beast.

"I have dirty feeties" she says as she starts jumping on the couch.

"Oh really, well that means bath time for you then sweetie"

"Noes" She shakes her head really fast.

"Evey you need to keep clean sweetheart you know that" he sighed.

She does the raspberries at him, her cute little cheeks puff out.

Dennis chuckled at her "Come on then Evey bath time"

Evey keeps doing it but spits a little.

Dennis walked towards her getting ready to pick her up.

She jumps up into his arms "Blaah"

Dennis held her close to him, resting his head on hers as he walked up to the bathroom

Evey gives him sweet little kisses on his cheek "Muah"

Dennis gave her a small smile as he drew her a hot bath.

"I get da towel?" she opens the cabinet trying to reach for one. He lifts her up more so she can reach them. Evey reaches for one and the others fall off the shelf "Uh oh"

"Oh dear" Dennis chuckled.

"Can I eat impure later dadda?" she suddenly asks, clapping her hands together.

Dennis winced when she said that "We don't have any baby"

"But I wanna one pleeease" she pouts. Dennis sighs as he got her in the tub.

"We don't have any impures sweetheart" Dennis repeated looking at her sadly.

She splashes him and water gets all over his shirt and face.

He groaned as he stared at the mess.

Evey giggles and keeps slapping the water.

"Evey stop it" he shouted.

She suddenly jumps out of the tub and runs out the door, running into her room, slamming the door behind her.

Dennis sighed in frustration before going in his room to change into some new clothes, he then grabs a mop from downstairs and starts cleaning all the water off the floor in the bathroom.

Evey was in her bedroom, she put her undies and oversized night shirt on that was laid out for her on her bed. Her hair was still damp. She grabs her dolly and holds it close, pouting and upset that her dadda yelled at her.

Once Dennis was finished he put everything away before knocking on Evey's door. There's no answer.

He sighed opening the door slowly walking to her bed "Evey?" he said softly. She's laying on the bed, holding on to her doll and sucking her thumb.

Dennis knelt down next to her bed "I'm sorry sweetheart" he whispered. She opens her eyes and stares at him "I ate snack"

"What snack?" he asked.

EVEY   ( A Split/Glass Spin Off Tale )Where stories live. Discover now