EVEY: Chapter 1

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A young girl had lived in a insane asylum all of her short life, her mother had given birth to her there and had died leaving her all alone. Doctor's kept the child seeing if she was unwell like her mother. The doctors soon realized she was unstable as she grew up.

They could never get a clear diagnosis of what was making her different from other children. They assumed it to be schizophrenia/ behavior disorder, but only assumed. The Doctors would keep close eye on her seeing how she reacted to certain stimuli. This child had abilities that was inhuman like.

She could climb up walls and jump very high. She could control herself but at times she would attack certain staff members but not all. Almost as if she picked them out for some unknown reason. She would bite and claw at the victims.

She was unknown to the world and a mystery.


Doctor's Chart:

Name: Evey

Age: 3

Caucasian, Female.

Hair Color: Dark Brown.

Eye Color: Green *side note* When attacking staff Eye color changes to blood shot and pupils dilate to very large.

Diagnosis : Behavior disorder. *Still unclear.*

Doctor : Doctor Miller, Beverly.

Birth mother: Marie Zoe McAvoy. (deceased )

Birth father: Unknown. (Unknown)


Evey had been stuck in the hospital and even though she was only 3 years old, she was very smart for her age but she also didn't talk much. All she wanted was to be free, she wanted a family, she wanted a father and a mother that loved her.

One night she had managed to get past the guard and escaped through a window up near the ceiling in one of the hallways.

She ran off into the darkness of the night.. wearing nothing but little Yellow hospital scrubs not knowing where she was going but she ran miles and miles though forest and finally she came to a field and collapsed to the ground, it was just becoming evening as the sun was starting to set.


Dennis was walking through the exact same field that Evey was in unaware of how much his life was about to change. He was about to head back home when he thought he heard a small cry coming from somewhere.

Evey is sitting on the ground and hears something coming towards her, she peaks up over the swaying wheat and see's a man coming her way. She holds her rag doll closer to herself as he approaches.

Dennis sees a little girl holding a ragdoll close to her, she looked young about three years old at least. "Hey there sweetheart, what are you doing out here all alone?" he asked her softly kneeling down to her level so he didn't scare her.

Her hospital scrub fit is tattered and dirty and the bottoms of her bare feet are muddy. She whines a little putting her head down.

"Hey its okay sweetheart" Dennis says softly moving slowly towards her.

Evey looks up at him with tears in her pretty green eyes, her arms reach out to him.

Dennis puts his arms around her protectively. "Its okay sweetheart, its okay" he says to her shushing her as he held her close to him.

"Da?" her little voice barely whispers in his ear as she holds onto him.

"Where are your parents little one?" he asks her softly looking around to see if he could see anyone else but the field was empty apart from them there was nobody else.

"Mommy's dead.."

"Oh, and daddy?" he asked. "Are you, you him?" she struggles to get the words out.

"I don't think I am little one" he whispered. She starts to cry with her face on his shoulder. "Daddey"

"But I guess I can be" he sighed knowing he couldn't leave her out here all alone.


"Ohh, you wanna come home with me huh?" Dennis coos.

"Yeth" she lisps a little.

"Alright" he says with a smile picking her up and lifting her onto his shoulder.

They get into the house and when she's let down, she runs around the house looking at things.

Dennis shuts the door taking his shoes off before walking into the living room.

Evey finally plops onto the couch breathing hard because of all the running she just did. She rubs her eye and sighs.

"Aww, is somebody feeling sleepy" Dennis chuckles.

"Noes.." she shakes her head really fast smiling.

"I think you are" Dennis says grabbing a blanket and covering her up with it.

She's grinning at him but then yawns. "I not sleepy"

"You sure little one?" he asks with a smile as he lifts her head up to put a pillow underneath her.

"I home now? not at bad place.."

"Yeah, your home now" he says to her softly, though he was intrigued by what she meant by bad place.

There was a white wrist band on her it reads *Patient 158 - Evey. and The hospital name*

"Evey...that's a nice name" he says with a smile "Evey is this the bad place?" he asks her.

"uhhuh bad place, my mommy die there"

"Why were you there?" he asks her. "Mommy die there, they keep me" she pouts looking sad.

"Why was it a bad place?"

"People yell a lot there.. and have white coats and bad people poke me" she sniffs.

"Poke you?" he repeats in shock.

"Yesh my arms they have owies"

"Can I see them?"

"Yes.." She shows him her arms and they are covered in marks that were caused by needles. "Oh dear" he gasped as he looked at them all "Why would they do this to you brave one?" he asked her.

"To keep me from biting bad guys that stand by the doors"

"Oh Evey, biting is bad" Dennis sighed but had to chuckle a little bit, he admired her strength for someone so young he could tell she had been through a lot and that made him care for her well being that much more.

"It is? I scratch them too" she smiles shyly. "Scratching is also bad" he told her with a small shake of his head.

"I'm sorry.." her voice was so tiny and sweet.

"It's okay, as long as you don't scratch or bite here we'll be fine" he told her wrapping an arm around her gently.

"Just..just the bad people" she smiles and lets out a big yawn.

Well, I'd prefer no one but hopefully you won't see anymore bad people now" he tells her.

"Mhm" she mumbles as she falls asleep pretty quickly.

EVEY   ( A Split/Glass Spin Off Tale )Where stories live. Discover now