you let go of the picture and wiped away your tears. you decided to wanted answers now. no- you needed answers. if everybody had been lying to you, you deserved to know the truth.

you ran over to lukes hut and quickly opened the door. he was sitting on his bed, holding onto that dice charm...talking to it.

"why didn't you tell me the entire truth?" you asked in a serious tone. luke whipped his head around as he set the charm down next to him, his eyes going wide when he noticed the photo in your hand.


"luke, i dont have time for this. just tell me." you told him, trying to control your anger as well as you possibly could.

luke could see you were trying to do so, so he decided to come clean. he knew that you were already aware of at least some part of it, so he might as well just tell you.


"why were you about to kill kylo?" you asked.

luke knew exactly what you were talking about, but was confused on how you knew, "snoke had already turned his heart. he would bring destruction, and pain, and death, and the end of everything i love because of what he will become. and for the briefest moment of pure instinct, i thought i could stop it-"

"that doesn't mean you had to kill him! you could have guided him back, you could have helped him! isnt it against the jedi way to kill people or something?!" you said.

"you think i am proud of that? proud of igniting my own lightsaber infront of my sleeping nephe-" he quickly stopped himself.

"nephew?!" you nearly screamed. you were shocked, blown away- but you somehow kind of expected such a crazy turn like this.

"i- yes." he lowered his head.

"is that why you had this photo?" you stepped closer to luke and showed him the photo. he simplyed nodded his head as he looked at the photo. "so this is your family? his family?"


"who are these people? specifically...i mean." you looked at him.

"the woman" he pointed to the beautiful lady," she is my twin sister. her name is leia and she is...she is ben- kylos mom."

"why do i keep hearing the name ben? who is ben?"

"ben is kylos real name. kylo is not his true identity, it is all's fake. it is a way for ben to cover up his pain. kylo ren uses bens pain and turns it into anger. that is why he is so brutal- he has so much pain in him."

"pain? from who? who could possibly hurt kylo?"

"you would be suprised. kylo puts up a big and brave front up to the galaxy, when in reality- that isnt the case. he is very much like you and me...human."

it was all starting to make sense. that is why when seeing kylo again, you saw how much heartbreak was within him.

"o..oh. and the man?"

luke gulped. "that is his father- han solo. leia, him, and i all worked together for a while to take down the galactic empire...and we eventually did."

"ben has a nice taste on your tongue." you said. "but you must be forgetting that i have barely any clue what you are talking about."

"oh right. the empire was what came before the first order. it was lead my darth vader- my father and kylos grandfather."

" i cant imagine how it would feel to have 2 family members turn to the other side as you." you said.

"y..yeah. but in my father, there was good. he saved me from palpatine- the emperor at the time. he killed the evil man, but died himself. just like him, i know that there is still good in kylo. and i think you may be the one that can help bring it out of him."

broken as i • a kylo ren storyWhere stories live. Discover now