You tried to tear your gaze away from his but found yourself unable to do so. You saw a flick of orange, that was beginning to rise into his eyes. "You better start minding your new reality. If you submit to us, your life will be infinitely easier. If you please us, then you'll live longer."

Your breath caught as the fire rose in his eyes and began to reach out to you. You screamed and yet your lips never parted. Baekhyun growled, "You are Exo's now. Give us your will and be done with it!"

Your eyes were beginning to bleed tears. You begged and pleaded in your head to stop but you heard his voice echoing in his head, "Let's just end this. Give yourself over."

You had no idea how you were able to hold onto your will. You ran down the corridors of your mind to find a safe place from the darkness that was suddenly encroaching on it. You reached a yellow door and threw it open. Baekhyun saw your flashing images of your memories with WayV, NCT and the Dreamies.

The fencing sword appeared in his head and he smirked, "How cute! But you can't hide even in your memories."

He turned and slashed at a memory making you scream. This time your mouth parted.

Baekhyun was pulled away by Suho while Kai caught your slumped form. He kept slapping your face to try to get you to wake up. He wiped away the blood with his thumbs.

"Hyung!" Kai snapped.

Baekhyun grinned, "Sorry. I got carried away."

"Clearly", Sehun stated.

"I see you didn't try to stop him", observed Chen.

Sehun shrugged as he turned and walked away disappearing into the forest, "Was there a reason why I should have?"

Baekhyun breathed, "Like I said. I got carried away. I just wanted to play."

Kai pouted.

"I didn't kill her. She'll be fine.......", Baekhyun giggled as he waved goodbye before bounding into the forest. ".....When she wakes up."

Suho watched him leave and mused, "I can see his obsession has developed now."

Chanyeol just laughed, "It's getting more and more interesting." He was looking forward to how you would handle both Kai and Baekhyun's obsession. 

Taeil could almost sense you. You were right there. Just out of reach. He reached out his arm, the only part of him that seemed to move. Stretching as far as he could, he reached out his hand. Trying in vain to grasp something that was just out of his reach.

Darkness surrounded him yet it didn't seem to bother him so focused was he on other matters, "Y/N-ah, where are you? I'm here. Call to me. I'm here."

He thought he heard your voice calling for him. For NCT, for WayV and even your Dreamies. He smirked. That's right, you were connected to them. Whatever you were, you were connected. Those guys couldn't break such a bond that has been forged over the years.

He just needed to try harder to sense you. Even if it broke him in half, he needed to. It was like a rubber band stretching as far as it could go. When would it snap? But then the darkness around him rolled and shifted.


He stretched and reached and swore he almost touched you. You were right there. Laying there, just laying. Were you in pain? Were you alive? He couldn't tell. He yelled your name and tried to go to you but was unable to. He felt a fury then that welled up him. They would pay. They would all pay.

And then that rubber band snapped and Taeil screamed.

It had been four days since Taeil passed out. Not even Taeyong could figure out what was wrong. He could only surmise that since you were violently taken from them that it was affecting Taeil's mate bond. Since then NCT had to regroup. Doyoung and Jungwoo spent that time trying to research to find an idea of what happened to Taeil, while Johnny led the search party of the rest of them.

The vampires didn't dare insult NCT to ask to get WayV's help. There was a certain order to the way the supernatural worked. This happened on NCT's soil so NCT had an obligation to settle it. To whatever end.

The vampires could only be grateful that NCT was allowing them to help. But being as they were in the center of the issue, they too had a right to see it to the end. Knowing this didn't make it easier for Renjun, Jaemin and Chenle. Their bond as your little brothers was at war with their supernatural selves. So they just kept quiet and tried to stay out of the way. But if they were honest, not even WayV would be able to help.

So they were in the house with Taeyong when suddenly a scream filled the air. They ran down the hall and skidded to a stop to see Taeil violently fighting while Taeyong was trying to hold him down. "Hyung!! Hyung, snap out of it!!"

But the force admitting from Taeil flung Taeyong across the room. The vampires could only rush over to help Taeyong up. Taeil rose from the bed from an unseen force as Taeyong stumbled to his feet.

"What happened?" Jungwoo asked as he and Doyoung came running into the room.

"What's...." Doyoung trailed off.

A yellow-white aura engulfed Taeil before becoming so bright that the others could not look at it, for it was like the sun.

And then this aura flung through the house and into the surrounding forest area. 

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