💮Chapter 55: Virago💮

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I awoke to the sound of voices. 

"Y/N, Y/N are you here?!"


I picked Angel and Raul up and wiggled threw the small space, I fast-walked out of the cave and looked around. 

Tilly, Sadie, Arthur, and Javier were all yelling my name and looking around. "Y/N!" Sadie yelled sadly.

"I'm right here, guys." I replied relieved. "The Pinkertons stormed in. I thought I was a goner." I slowly walked over to the group. I looked around and noticed someone missing. "Where's Abigail?"

Tilly frowned. "The Pinkertons captured her, they're going to put her on a boat and try her for murder."

My eyes widened. "She was caught? We have to go save her."

Javier shook his head. "You aren't going. If the Pinkertons have her we have no chance of getting her. It'll bring more harm than good for us."

I pointed my finger at him. "You don't get to say that. You said it yourself, 'this gang is like family'. I'm not turning my back on family. Arthur, Sadie, and I are going to get Abigail back. 

"Y/N... John's dead." Javier revealed. 

I gasped. "He's... dead?"

"We lost him during the robbery, Dutch said so."

"That's even a bigger reason to go and get Abigail. Jack already lost a father, I'm not going to let him lose a mother."

I walked over to Tilly. "I really need you to do me a favor."

She nodded at me with a determined gaze. "Anything, Y/N."

"I need you to get these two to Valentine. Go to the bar and tell the bartender, that 'these are Y/N's kids and she needs you to watch them.' I passed her Angel and Raul. I watched as she, mis hijos, and Jack got on a horse.

Javier and Sadie were left to their own devices as Arthur and I talked to Tilly and Jack.

"Miss Tilly, here." Arthur grabbed a sack from his horse and placed it on Tilly's. "You take half of that and give the other half to the bartender to hold for Y/N. And take this." He handed her money from his pocket.

I shook my head. "You don't need to-"

"No, no. I'm giving it to you, Y/N. I can't use it, not where I'm going."

"Don't talk like that."

He looked back at Tilly. "Go to Valentine first, drop off Y/N's babies and then take Jack with you to Copper-" He covered his cough. "Copperhead landing. Wait for Abigail and Sadie there."

She nodded. "Okay, Arthur."

"You're a good girl... you live a good life now you hear?"

"Alright, Arthur. I'll...I'll miss-"

"Me too, sweetheart, me too."

I wiped the tears from my eyes. "I'll miss you too Tilly. You need anything, anything at all you come down to Valentine."

I could see the small shine in her eyes. "I'm holding you to that."

I gave her a small smile. "I know."

Arthur looked at Jack. "Jack, come here... be brave son. I'm gonna go get your momma."

With that, he swiftly walked away, and over to his horse. "Mrs. Adler... ride with me!"

"I'm coming with you, Arthur!" I walked over to my horse and hopped on. I checked my trusted shotgun and pocket for bullets. "Even though I know don't show it much, I care a lot about Abigail."

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